首页> 外文期刊>International clinical psychopharmacology >Validation of the first quality-of-life measurement for patients with Huntington's disease: The Huntington quality of life instrument

Validation of the first quality-of-life measurement for patients with Huntington's disease: The Huntington quality of life instrument


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Health-related quality-of-life instruments are critical for assessing disease burdens. Generic tools allow comparison between diseases but do not discriminate between disease severities. Specific tools also tend to be more sensitive. No specific tool is available to assess quality of life in patients with Huntington's disease (HD). In the context of the European study on HD burden, a specific tool was created: the Huntington Quality of Life Instrument (H-QoL-I). The aim of this study was to optimize the content and validate the H-QoL-I. After a semistructured interview with patients, caregivers and HD specialists, we conducted a patient focus group. A self-reported questionnaire was then developed in French and Italian. A total of 252 patients were recruited to answer the questionnaire. Face, internal and external validities were examined using a variety of methods. The shortened H-QoL-I that resulted from the successive analyses comprises 11 items, which are divided into three dimensions: motor functioning (four items), psychology (four items) and socializing (three items). These three domains were identified as being essential to cover the full domain of the quality of life for patients affected by HD. The H-QoL-I showed an acceptable reliability (Cronbach's α>0.84). Factor analyses demonstrated satisfactory construct validity. Moreover, the item internal consistency and item discriminant validity criteria were fulfilled. No differential item functioning was detected. External validity supported the scale's robustness. These data support the validity of the H-QoL-I in patients with HD.
机译:与健康有关的生活质量手段对于评估疾病负担至关重要。通用工具允许在疾病之间进行比较,但不能区分疾病的严重程度。特定工具也往往更加敏感。没有特定的工具可用来评估亨廷顿舞蹈病(HD)患者的生活质量。在欧洲对高清负担的研究的背景下,创建了一个特定的工具:亨廷顿生活质量仪器(H-QoL-I)。这项研究的目的是优化内容并验证H-QoL-I。在对患者,护理人员和HD专家进行半结构化访谈之后,我们进行了患者焦点小组讨论。然后用法语和意大利语编写了一份自我报告的问卷。总共招募了252名患者来回答问卷。使用多种方法检查了面部,内部和外部有效性。连续分析得出的缩短的H-QoL-I包括11个项目,分为三个维度:运动功能(四个项目),心理学(四个项目)和社交(三个项目)。这三个领域被认为对于覆盖受HD影响的患者的全部生活质量至关重要。 H-QoL-I显示出可接受的可靠性(Cronbach'sα> 0.84)。因子分析显示令人满意的构建效度。此外,还满足了项目内部一致性和判别有效性标准。未检测到差异项功能。外部有效性支持量表的稳健性。这些数据支持H-QoL-1在HD患者中的有效性。



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