首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Applied Mathematics & Statistics >Extrapolation of symmetrized Runge-Kutta methods in the variable stepsize setting

Extrapolation of symmetrized Runge-Kutta methods in the variable stepsize setting


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Symmetrization technique is shown to be efficient when applied with extrapolation for the Gauss and Lobatto IIIA methods in the constant stepsize setting. The most efficient way of applying symmetrization in this constant stepsize setting is the passive symmetrization with passive extrapolation. On the other hand, in the variable stepsize setting, passive symmetrization combined with active extrapolation is shown to be more efficient than with active symmetrization. This article focuses on the variable stepsize setting for the 3-stage Gauss and 4-stage Lobatto IIIA methods where the error estimation plays an important role. The error estimation for the 3-stage Gauss and 4-stage Lobatto IIIA methods are estimated using the symmetrization approach. This approach is compared with the stepsize doubling technique and the numerical results are tested for the Van der Pol, Robertson and Oregonator problems. It is observed that the symmetrization approach to estimate the error gives the most efficient results. In addition to this, two solvers with the symmetrized 3-stage Gauss and the symmetrized 4-stage Lobatto IIIA methods with extrapolation known as SYMEXa and SYMEXb respectively are tested for the stiff DETEST problems. These solvers use the symmetrization approach to estimate the local error. The efficiencies of these solvers are compared with the RADAU5 solver with extrapolation that uses the step-size doubling approach. The numerical results shows that for certain classes of problems, SYMEXa and SYMEXb are more efficient than the RADAU5 method.
机译:当在恒定步长设置中对高斯和Lobatto IIIA方法进行外推时,对称化技术被证明是有效的。在此恒定步长设置中应用对称化的最有效方法是使用被动外推进行被动对称。另一方面,在可变步长设置中,被动对称与主动外推相结合比主动对称更有效。本文重点介绍3级高斯和4级Lobatto IIIA方法的可变步长设置,其中误差估计起着重要作用。使用对称化方法估计3级高斯和4级Lobatto IIIA方法的误差。将该方法与逐步加倍技术进行了比较,并针对Van der Pol,Robertson和Oregonator问题测试了数值结果。可以看出,使用对称化方法估计误差可获得最有效的结果。除此之外,分别测试了两个对称的3级高斯和对称的4级Lobatto IIIA外推法SYMEXa和SYMEXb求解器的刚性DETEST问题。这些求解器使用对称方法来估计局部误差。将这些求解器的效率与使用步长加倍方法的外推法RADAU5求解器进行比较。数值结果表明,对于某些类型的问题,SYMEXa和SYMEXb比RADAU5方法更有效。



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