首页> 外文期刊>International journal of applied psychoanalytic studies >Introduction to 'Cinematic Techniques and Psychic Mechanisms - Psychoanalysis and Film'

Introduction to 'Cinematic Techniques and Psychic Mechanisms - Psychoanalysis and Film'


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In his introduction to his book on psychoanalysis and film, the key papers that he edited for The International Journal of Psychoanalysis, Glen Gabbard (2001) reprinted his article on the approaches that psychoanalysts have used to study film. He included the underlying cultural mythology, the filmmaker's subjectivity, universal developmental moments or crises, the appropriation of psychoanalytic constructs by the filmmaker, the analysis of a character in the narrative, the relationship of dreamwork to film, and the analysis of spectatorship. This innovative paper by Kaufman on "cinematic techniques and psychic mechanisms - psychoanalysis and film" particularly focuses on Gabbard's last two approaches but includes some aspects of the analysis of characters in the narrative. Beginning with a focus on the overdetermined image she aptly explores the relationship between filmmaking techniques and unconscious psychic processes. She includes the use of sound and music, framing, shot production, montage, symbolism, and the narrative structure. She also discusses how earlier scenes can be refigured in our minds and how techniques of narration can engage the spectator in ways that produce a shattering psychological experience.
机译:格伦·加巴德(Glen Gabbard,2001)在为《国际精神分析杂志》编辑的主要论文中介绍了他的有关精神分析和电影的书时,转载了他关于精神分析学家研究电影的方法的文章。他包括潜在的文化神话,电影制片人的主观性,普遍的发展时刻或危机,电影制片人对精神分析结构的挪用,对叙事中人物角色的分析,梦work与电影的关系以及对观众的分析。考夫曼(Kaufman)撰写的有关“电影技术和心理机制-精神分析和电影”的创新论文特别关注了加巴德的后两种方法,但包括了叙事中人物分析的某些方面。从关注过分确定的图像开始,她恰当地探讨了电影制作技术与无意识的心理过程之间的关系。她包括声音和音乐的使用,构图,镜头制作,蒙太奇,象征主义和叙事结构。她还讨论了如何在我们的脑海中重新塑造较早的场景,以及叙事技巧如何以能够产生令人震惊的心理体验的方式吸引观众。



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