首页> 外文期刊>Review of Scientific Instruments >Linear Paul trap for strontium ions

Linear Paul trap for strontium ions


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We demonstrate a linear radio-frequency trap for confining strontium ions that is simply constructed nearly entirely with commercial off-the-shelf components. The electrodes of this trap are spaced to allow tight radial confinement, and segmented to give tight axial confinement with minimal distortion of the radio-frequency field. The resulting secular frequencies of the trap are 1 MHz in the radial direction and 100 kHz in the axial direction, the ions can be imaged with 2-3 μm resolution, and we detect over 20 000 photons per second per ion. This article describes the construction of the vital parts of the trap system, the laser system and optics used to Doppler cool the ions and to observe quantum jumps, and the operation and behavior of the complete system.
机译:我们展示了一种用于限制锶离子的线性射频阱,该阱几乎完全由现成的商业组件构成。该阱的电极间隔开来,允许紧密的径向约束,并分段以提供紧密的轴向约束,同时将射频场的失真降至最低。由此产生的陷阱的长期频率在径向上为1 MHz,在轴向上为100 kHz,离子可以以2-3μm的分辨率成像,我们每秒检测到每个离子超过20 000个光子。本文描述了陷阱系统重要部分的构造、用于多普勒冷却离子和观察量子跳跃的激光系统和光学器件,以及整个系统的操作和行为。




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