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What's in a Brand? How effective branding can help your business prosper


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The English word brand originally meant a hot, burning stick. By the Middle Ages it came to be known as a mark burned on an animal's hide to indicate ownership. That tradition continued in the American West, as ranchers burned their own distinctive brands onto their cattle so they could graze freely before being separated at roundup time. From there, one can easily see how the word evolved and was appropriated by the advertising industry in the 20th century to mean a trademark or distinctive name identifying a product or manufacturer. These days, a brand is much more than that. A brand is "the sum total of all the images that people have in their heads about a particular company and a particular mark," according to marketing consultant Scott Bedbury. Others in the business call a brand a "badge of identity" or "a promise of value."
机译:英文单词brand最初的意思是一根灼热的棍子。到了中世纪,它被称为在动物皮上燃烧的商标,以表明所有权。这种传统在美国西部继续存在,因为牧场主将自己独特的品牌烧在牲畜上,这样他们就可以在放牧前自由放牧,然后被围捕。从那里,您可以轻松地看到这个词是如何演变的,并在20世纪被广告业所使用,以表示标识产品或制造商的商标或独特名称。这些天,一个品牌远远不止于此。根据市场顾问斯科特·贝德伯里(Scott Bedbury)的说法,品牌是“人们头脑中关于某个特定公司和特定商标的所有图像的总和”。商业中的其他人将品牌称为“身份徽章”或“价值承诺”。



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