首页> 外文期刊>Agricultural Mechanization in Asia, Africa and Latin America: AMA >Improvement and evaluation of crop planter to work on ridges in irrigated schemes of Sudan

Improvement and evaluation of crop planter to work on ridges in irrigated schemes of Sudan


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Manual sowing is the traditional method to grow crops on the top of 80-cm spaced ridges in irrigated schemes. No seeding machines are available to perform this job. Improper crop geometry in farmers' fields is considered as a main factor in reducingyields. This work was carried out to improve the work-ability of tractor-mounted 4-row crop planter to place seeds in the middle of ridges top without slip-ping-off or swinging. The improvement comprised assernhly of furrow wheels to maintain planter stability. Furthermore, the roll pins and the three-point hitch were replaced by stronger units. Then the improved planter was evaluated and compared with manual sowing for sunflower, sorghum and cotton. Results indicated that the required time of manual sowing was 95. 19 and 19 times the requirement of planter sowing for sunflower, sorghum and cotton, respectively. Compared to manual sowing, planter sowing reduced operation cost for sunflower, sorghum and cotton by about 50, 18 and 29 percent, respectively, and reduced the seed rate of sunflower and cotton by about 17 and 40 percent, respectively. Manual sowing resulted in significantly wider spacing bwtween plants for sunflower and sorghum whild planter sowing resulted in significantly narrower spacingfor cotton. Planter sowing resulted in insignificant greater yields of sunflower and cotton but significant increase in sorghum yield. Hence, the improved planter could be recommended for crop sowing on top of ridges and the recommended seed rate and spacing between plants for manual sowing should be revised with the use of planter.
机译:人工播种是在灌溉方案中在 80 厘米间距的田埂顶部种植作物的传统方法。没有播种机可用于执行此作业。农民田地中作物几何形状不当被认为是降低产量的主要因素。这项工作是为了提高拖拉机式 4 行作物播种机的工作能力,将种子放在田埂顶部的中间,而不会滑落或摆动。改进措施包括使用犁沟轮,以保持播种机的稳定性。此外,擀面杖和三点挂钩被更坚固的装置所取代。然后对改进的播种机进行了评估,并将其与人工播种的向日葵、高粱和棉花进行了比较。结果表明,人工播种所需时间为95小时。向日葵、高粱和棉花的播种要求分别是播种机的19倍和19倍。与人工播种相比,播种机播种使向日葵、高粱和棉花的运行成本分别降低了约50%、18%和29%,向日葵和棉花的播种率分别降低了约17%和40%。人工播种导致向日葵和高粱播种的间距明显变宽,棉花播种的间距明显变窄。播种机播种导致向日葵和棉花产量增加微不足道,但高粱产量显着增加。因此,可以推荐改进的播种机在田埂上播种作物,并应使用播种机修改人工播种的推荐播种率和植株间距。




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