
Ceramic Crucible Corrosion by Heavy Metal Oxide Glasses, part I: Pheonomenological Study


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Heavy metal oxide (HMO) glasses have received special attention due to their optical, electrical and magnetic properties. The problem with these glasses is their corrosive nature. In this work, three ceamic crucibles (Al_2O_3, SnO_2 and ZrO_2) were tested in the melting of the system 40 PbO-35 BiO_(1.5)-25 GaO_(1.5) (cation-%). After glass melting, crucibles were transversally cut and analyzed by scanning electronic microscopy (SEM), coupled to microanalysis by energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS). Results indicated that zirconia crucibles presented the highest corrosion, probably due to its smallest grain size. Tin oxide crucibles presented a low corrosion with small penetration of the glass into the crucible. This way, these crucibles are an interesting alternative to melt corrosive glasses in instead of gold or platinum crucibles. It is impotrtant to emphasize the lower cost of tin oxide crucibles, compared to gold or platinum ones.
机译:重金属氧化物(HMO)玻璃因其光学,电学和磁性特性而受到特别关注。这些玻璃的问题是其腐蚀性。在这项工作中,在系统40 PbO-3​​5 BiO_(1.5)-25 GaO_(1.5)(阳离子%)的熔融状态下测试了三个陶瓷坩埚(Al_2O_3,SnO_2和ZrO_2)。玻璃熔化后,将坩埚横向切割并通过扫描电子显微镜(SEM)进行分析,并通过能量色散光谱(EDS)进行微观分析。结果表明,氧化锆坩埚表现出最高的腐蚀,可能是由于其晶粒尺寸最小。氧化锡坩埚腐蚀小,玻璃渗透到坩埚中的渗透率低。这样,这些坩埚是代替玻璃或金坩埚来熔化腐蚀性玻璃的有趣替代品。强调氧化锡坩埚比黄金或铂金坩埚的成本低是无稽之谈。



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