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Where the science-religion dialogue is going wrong


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In 1987, the John Templeton Foundation was established to 'encourage a fresh appreciation … of the moral and spiritual dimensions of life'. Unfortunately the current science and religion dialogue has not taken shape in a helpful way; rather, it has become reductionist. For a start, many of the prominent writers in this field reduce 'religion' to a certain form of liberal Protestantism, and in the process secularise the mysterious and read the Bible as though it was about our contemporary understanding of Western science. The situation is in reality no better in the field of ethics. Here also the dialogue is reductionist, in that it assumes that there is a religious answer, or at least a religious approach, to the ethical issues that scientific and technological advances bring forth. For those of us who continue to think that Templeton style dialogue between religion and science is important, there is thus a strong need to extricate the conversation from the reductionist rut in which it has become snared.
机译:1987年,约翰·邓普顿基金会(John Templeton Foundation)成立,以“鼓励人们重新认识……生活的道德和精神层面”。不幸的是,当前的科学和宗教对话并未以有益的方式形成。相反,它已成为还原论者。首先,该领域的许多著名作家将“宗教”简化为某种形式的自由新教主义,并在此过程中世俗化了神秘派,并读了圣经,好像是关于我们当代对西方科学的理解一样。实际上,在道德领域,情况没有更好的选择。这里的对话也是还原主义者,因为它假定对科学和技术进步带来的伦理问题有宗教上的回答,或者至少是一种宗教上的做法。对于我们中那些仍然认为坦普尔顿式宗教与科学之间的对话很重要的人来说,迫切需要使对话摆脱陷入困境的还原主义者的束缚。



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