首页> 外文期刊>Integrative physiological and behavioral science: the official journal of the Pavlovian Society >The Effects of Estradiol on Avoidance Learning in Ovariectomized Adult Rats

The Effects of Estradiol on Avoidance Learning in Ovariectomized Adult Rats


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The present study examined the effects of ovariectomy and subsequent estradiol replacement on learning in young adult rats using a set of instrumental avoidance paradigms differing in the nature and extent of prior experience in the learning context. Thus, one group of animals was placed directly into avoidance learning (AV). A second group was trained on an appetitive task first, and then transferred into the aversive context (AP-AV). The third group was exposed to the training context without any specific appetitive response requirement, and then required to learn an active avoidance response (Context-AV). We found that estradiol (OVX+E) impaired avoidance acquisition in all cases relative ovariectomized controls (OVX). In contrast, while avoidance learning is improved following appetitive training or context exposure in both OVX+E and OVX animals, the OVX+E animals profit to a greater extent from the appetitive or context experience than do the OVX controls. We suggest that this difference may be due to enhanced attentional processes or improved hippocampal processing of contextual factors. Thus, estradiol negatively influences simple associative avoidance learning in ovariectomized rats, but appears to promote positive transfer.
机译:本研究使用一套不同的工具回避范例,研究了卵巢切除术和随后的雌二醇替代对成年幼鼠学习的影响,这些工具回避范例的性质和学习经验的程度不同。因此,将一组动物直接置于回避学习(AV)中。第二组首先接受了一项具有竞争性任务的培训,然后转移到了厌恶情境(AP-AV)中。第三组在没有任何具体的食欲反应要求的情况下接触了训练情境,然后被要求学习主动回避反应(情境-AV)。我们发现雌二醇(OVX + E)在所有情况下都会影响相对卵巢切除控制(OVX)的回避获取。相比之下,虽然在OVX + E和OVX动物中进行有针对性的训练或进行环境暴露后回避学习得到了改善,但与OVX对照相比,OVX + E动物在食欲或环境中获得的收益更大。我们建议,这种差异可能是由于注意力过程增强或背景因素对海马过程的改善所致。因此,雌二醇对去卵巢大鼠的简单联想回避学习产生负面影响,但似乎促进正向转移。



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