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Molecular assisted breeding and adaptability analysis of Zhongyouza 11 with super high oil content.


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Using a three-line system of Shaan 2A cytoplasmic male sterility, a hybrid variety rapeseed, Zhongyouza 11, was developed by the combination of traditional methods and a molecular marker-assisted breeding technique. This hybrid variety had high grain yield, high oil content, wide adaptability, and good quality. The oil content of Zhongyouza 11 is steadily above 43 in the three ecological regions along the Yangtze River valley, which is the largest winter oilseed production area in China. The highest oil content of Zhongyouza 11 reached 46.68 in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River valley in 2003-2004, which was the highest among all lines involved in the national regional rapeseed variety trials. In the regional yield trials in Hubei Province, the average yield of Zhongyouza 11 reached 2 853 kg ha-1 (2002-2004), yielding more than the control variety Zhongshuang 6 by 11.34. In the national trials, the yield of Zhongyouza 11 reached 2 405.7, 2697.3, and 2770.2 kg ha-1 in the upper, middle, and lower reaches of the Yangtze River valley, yielding more than the control varieties by 11.52, 12.9, and 14.92, respectively, in 2003-2005. Both the high oil content and high grain yield contributed to the high oil yield of Zhongyouza 11. The oil yield of Zhongyouza 11 in the national trials reached 1 083.3, 1 210.2, and 1 224.8 kg ha-1, yielding more than the controls by 29.42, 27.65, and 20.98, respectively, in the upper, middle, and lower reaches of the Yangtze River valley. The highest oil yield reached 1 369.65 kg ha-1 in the middle reach of the Yangtze River valley (2003-2004), with an increase of 46.21 compared to the control. The experimental sites distributed widely along the Yangtze River valley, cover most of the Chinese winter rapeseed production areas. Among the 89 experimental location/years, the yield of Zhongyouza 11 surpassed the controls at 77 location/years in the trials, indicating its wide adaptability. Zhongyouza 11 was the only one that passed the national regional trials in all three regions along the Yangtze River valley simultaneously in 2005. It is also the first rapeseed variety that contained seed oil exceeding 46 and passed the national regional trials. This study shows that heterosis prediction by the means of estimation of genetic distance between parental lines using single sequence repeat (SSR) and sequence related amplified polymorphism (SRAP) markers is an efficient way for the reduction of tedious field trials and the acceleration of breeding procedure.
机译:采用陕2A细胞质雄性不育的三品系系统,结合传统方法和分子标记辅助育种技术,研制出杂交品种油菜籽中优座11。该杂交品种粒产量高,含油量高,适应性广,品质好。中国最大的冬季油籽产区长江流域沿线三个生态区中,中油座11号的含油量稳定在43%以上。2003-2004年长江上游流域中油座11号最高含油量达46.68%,是全国区域油菜品种试验品系中最高。在湖北省区域单产试验中,中双座11号平均单产达到2 853 kg ha-1(2002-2004年),产量比对照品种中双6号高出11.34%。在全国试验中,长江上、中、下游中游中油座11号产量分别达到2 405.7、2697.3和2770.2 kg ha-1,2003-2005年产量分别比对照品种高出11.52%、12.9%和14.92%。高含油量和高籽粒产量都促成了中油座11号的高产油。中油座11号在全国试验中产油量分别达到1 083.3、1 210.2和1 224.8 kg ha-1,长江上游、中游和下游产油量分别比对照高出29.42%、27.65%和20.98%。2003-2004年长江中游地区最高产油量达到1 369.65 kg ha-1,较对照提高46.21%。试验地点广泛分布在长江流域沿线,覆盖了中国冬油菜产区的大部分。在89个试验地点/年中,中优座11的产量超过了对照组的77个地点/年,表明其适应性较广。2005年,中游座11号是唯一同时通过长江流域三区国家区域试验的。它也是第一个种子油含量超过46%并通过国家区域试验的油菜品种。本研究表明,利用单序列重复(SSR)和序列相关扩增多态性(SRAP)标记估计亲本间遗传距离的优势预测是减少繁琐田间试验和加速育种过程的有效方法。




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