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Making grinding tools by the hot press method


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Nowadays there are several competing processes for making grinding tools. In general, either batch furnaces without a special atmosphere or hot presses are used, a further distinction being made in hot presses between sintering presses with a direct flow of current and indirectly heated sintering presses. Currently the most widespread are batch furnaces: they are relatively cheap to purchase, building the mould for the tools is somewhat less complex and the principle has been in use a relatively long time - so manufacturers have very broad experience of this method. The mould is placed in a preheated furnace, the temperature being set approximately 50 to 100 deg C above the sintering temperature being aimed for. The mould is provided with a thermocouple and often also with a form of hood and a supply of protective gas. As soon as the desired sintering temperature is reached in the mould, it is removed from the furnace and immediately compressed to final thickness under a hydraulic press. As heating and compression follow one another, it is important to find precisely the right time for pressing - this is a fairly critical point with this method.
机译:如今,制造磨削工具有几种相互竞争的工艺。通常,使用没有特殊气氛的间歇炉或热压机,在热压机中进一步区分了直接电流流的烧结压力机和间接加热的烧结压力机。目前最普遍的是间歇炉:它们的购买成本相对较低,工具模具的制造不那么复杂,并且原理已经使用了相对较长的时间 - 因此制造商对这种方法有非常广泛的经验。将模具置于预热炉中,温度设定在比目标烧结温度高约 50 至 100 摄氏度。模具配有热电偶,通常还配有罩式和保护气体供应。一旦模具中达到所需的烧结温度,就会将其从炉中取出,并立即在液压机下压缩至最终厚度。由于加热和压缩是相辅相成的,因此准确找到合适的压制时间非常重要 - 这是这种方法的一个相当关键的点。




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