首页> 外文期刊>Brain research. Cognitive brain research >Playing piano in the mind-an fMRI study on music imagery and performance in pianists.

Playing piano in the mind-an fMRI study on music imagery and performance in pianists.


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Reading of musical notes and playing piano is a very complex motor task which requires years of practice. In addition to motor skills, rapid and effective visuomotor transformation as well as processing of the different components of music like pitch, rhythm and musical texture are involved. The aim of the present study was the investigation of the cortical network which mediates music performance compared to music imagery in 12 music academy students playing the right hand part of a Bartok piece using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). In both conditions, fMRI activations of a bilateral frontoparietal network comprising the premotor areas, the precuneus and the medial part of Brodmann Area 40 were found. During music performance but not during imagery the contralateral primary motor cortex and posterior parietal cortex (PPC) bilaterally was active. This reflects the role of primary motor cortex for motor execution but not imagery and the higher visuomotor integration requirements during music performance compared to simulation. The notion that the same areas are involved in visuomotor transformation/motor planning and music processing emphasizes the multimodal properties of cortical areas involved in music and motor imagery in musicians.
机译:读音符和弹钢琴是一项非常复杂的运动任务,需要多年的实践。除运动技能外,还涉及快速有效的视觉运动转换以及对音乐的不同部分(如音调,节奏和音乐纹理)的处理。本研究的目的是研究使用功能性磁共振成像(fMRI)在12位音乐学院学生中演奏巴托克乐曲右手部分的皮层网络,该网络介导音乐表演与音乐影像的比较。在这两种情况下,均发现了包括运动前区,前神经元和Brodmann Area 40内侧部分在内的双侧额叶前额叶网络的fMRI激活。在音乐表演期间,而不是在影像表演期间,双侧对侧主要运动皮层和顶叶后皮质(PPC)活跃。与模拟相比,这反映了主要运动皮层对于运动执行而不是图像的作用,并且反映了音乐演奏过程中对视觉运动集成的更高要求。视觉运动转换/运动计划和音乐处理涉及相同区域的概念强调了音乐家中涉及音乐和运动图像的皮质区域的多峰特性。



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