首页> 外文期刊>neurourology and urodynamics >Management of striated sphincter dyssynergia

Management of striated sphincter dyssynergia




AbstractTherapy of striated sphincter dyssynergia becomes mandatory as soon as the increase of outflow‐resistance causes high detrusor voiding pressure, noncompensated bladder emptying, vesico‐uretero‐renal reflux, or reflux into the male adnexa. Pharmacotherapy of striated sphincter dyssynergia so far is disappointing, the local approach for relieving sphincter spasticity by neurectomy of the pudendal nerve was abandoned at least in men because of an over 50 rate of erectile impotence. The concept of a “reversible sphincterotomy” is fascinating but not yet ready for clinical use. Nowadays, two methods are common for managing striated sphincter dyssynergia: intermittent catheterization (IC) and transurethral sphincterotomy. IC is the method of choice if a poorly sustained and lowpressure detrusor is present and if the patient stays dry in between, with or without anticholinergic medication. Otherwise, transurethral sphincterotomy by means of an anteromedian incision is the alternative. Both methods are not ideal and have definite disadvantages: IC needs instrumentation; sphincterotomy is destructive. Therefore, especially in females, a trial to empty the bladder by anal stretch is advisable and should be undertaken before other therapeutic measures are considered. A new way to achieve compensated bladder emptying is the implantation of an anterior sacral root stimulator, which also provides continence, if the relevant posterior sacral roots are out. The results so far are excellent, but further observation is necessary to prove its long‐term effects.The optimal therapy for clinically relevant striated sphincter dyssynergia can only chosen on the basis of a careful workup and with regards to the patient's personal and socia
机译:摘要一旦流出阻力增加导致逼尿肌排尿压力高、膀胱排空不代偿、膀胱输尿管肾反流或反流到男性附件,横纹括约肌协同失调的治疗就成为强制性的。到目前为止,横纹括约肌协同失调的药物治疗令人失望,由于勃起阳痿的发生率超过 50%,至少在男性中放弃了通过神经切除术缓解括约肌痉挛的局部方法。“可逆括约肌切开术”的概念令人着迷,但尚未准备好用于临床。如今,治疗横纹括约肌协同失调的方法有两种:间歇性导尿术 (IC) 和经尿道括约肌切开术。如果存在持续性差的低压逼尿肌,并且患者在两者之间保持干燥,无论是否使用抗胆碱能药物,IC 是首选方法。否则,通过前正中切口进行经尿道括约肌切开术是替代方法。这两种方法都不理想,并且有明显的缺点:IC需要仪器;括约肌切开术具有破坏性。因此,特别是在女性中,建议尝试通过肛门拉伸排空膀胱,并且应在考虑其他治疗措施之前进行。实现代偿性膀胱排空的一种新方法是植入前骶根刺激器,如果相关的后骶根脱落,它也可以提供节制。到目前为止,结果非常好,但需要进一步的观察来证明其长期影响。临床相关的横纹括约肌协同失调的最佳治疗方法只能在仔细检查的基础上根据患者的个人和社会因素进行选择




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