首页> 外文期刊>global change biology >Effects of ultraviolet radiation on corals and other coral reef organisms

Effects of ultraviolet radiation on corals and other coral reef organisms




AbstractThe discovery of the importance of solar ultraviolet radiation (UVR) as a factor affecting the biology of coral reefs dates only to about 1980. Interest has heightened during the past five years owing to the demonstration of loss of stratospheric ozone through human activities. We have only begun to document gross, qualitative effects of UVR on coral reef organisms, usually in experiments comparing the biological response to the presence or absence of UVR through the use of UV‐cutoff filters, or to varying levels of UVR in transplantation studies. Most such studies have not distinguished between the effects of UVA (320–400 nm) and those of UVB (290–320 nm), although in the context of global change involving stratospheric ozone loss, it is the latter wavelengths that are relevant. To date we have been addressing physiological and ecological questions, not yet attempting to evaluate quantitatively the impact of forecast increases in solar UVB penetration. Interacting and synergistic effects of UVR with increased temperature, pollutants, sedimentation, visible light, etc. have scarcely been studied but will be essential to understanding and predicting the fate of coral reefs under conditions of global change.Here we comprehensively review the effects of UVR on corals and other reef macroorganisms, mindful that although much is known of proximal effects, little of this knowledge is directly useful in making long‐term predictions regarding the health of coral reefs. We conclude that even small anthropogenic increases in UVB levels will have sublethal physiological manifestations in corals and other reef organisms, but that this will have relatively small impact on the distribution of reef corals and coral reefs, perhaps affecting their minimum depths of occ
机译:摘要太阳紫外线辐射(UVR)作为影响珊瑚礁生物学的因素的重要性的发现可以追溯到1980年左右。在过去五年中,由于人类活动导致平流层臭氧的损失,人们的兴趣有所增加。我们才刚刚开始记录紫外线对珊瑚礁生物的总体定性影响,通常是在实验中,通过使用紫外线截止滤光片比较对紫外线存在与否的紫外线的生物反应,或在移植研究中与不同水平的紫外线相比。大多数此类研究没有区分UVA(320-400 nm)和UVB(290-320 nm)的影响,尽管在涉及平流层臭氧损失的全球变化的背景下,后者的波长是相关的。迄今为止,我们一直在解决生理和生态问题,尚未尝试定量评估预测增加的太阳UVB渗透率的影响。紫外线与温度升高、污染物、沉积物、可见光等的相互作用和协同作用几乎没有研究过,但对于理解和预测全球变化条件下珊瑚礁的命运至关重要。在这里,我们全面回顾了紫外线辐射对珊瑚和其他珊瑚礁大型生物的影响,并注意到尽管对近端影响知之甚少,但这些知识很少直接用于对珊瑚礁的健康状况进行长期预测。我们得出的结论是,即使是 UVB 水平的小幅人为增加也会在珊瑚和其他珊瑚礁生物中产生亚致命的生理表现,但这对珊瑚礁和珊瑚礁的分布影响相对较小,可能会影响它们的最小 occ 深度




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