首页> 外文期刊>Brain research. Developmental brain research >Embryonic 'binge' cocaine exposure alters neural-immune and neural-endocrine interactions in young chickens: involvement of serotonin(2) receptors.

Embryonic 'binge' cocaine exposure alters neural-immune and neural-endocrine interactions in young chickens: involvement of serotonin(2) receptors.


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As part of our characterization of the developmental consequences of prenatal cocaine exposure, cocaine was injected into eggs containing viable chicken embryos on embryonic day (E) 18 and the fever response to the endotoxin lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and a delayed-type hypersensitivity response to phytohemagglutinin (PHA) were assessed postnatally. E18 cocaine exposure did not affect basal body temperature. LPS induced a fever in the chicks at 4 h post-injection on post-hatch day (D) 4 and 2 h post-injection on D24. E18 cocaine exposure suppressed the peak LPS-induced fever by 50% at both ages. E18 cocaine exposure also suppressed the hypersensitivity reaction to an intradermal injection of PHA on D17, while having no effect on the response to a saline injection. To determine the importance of serotonin(2) (5-HT(2)) receptors in the developmental toxicity of cocaine, varying doses of the 5-HT(2) antagonist ritanserin were injected on E17 followed by cocaine on E18. Ritanserin, like cocaine, did not alter basal temperature, but it dose-relatedly attenuated or blocked cocaine's effect on LPS-induced fever on both D4 and D24. Ritanserin pretreatment was also able to block the blunted isolation stress response seen in D16 chicks following E18 cocaine exposure. Thus, late prenatal cocaine exposure significantly alters adaptive fever and hypersensitivity responses, and embryonic 5-HT(2) receptors played a mediating role in the fever effect.
机译:作为我们表征产前可卡因暴露对发育的后果的一部分,可卡因在胚胎第18天被注射到含有活鸡胚的鸡蛋中,鸡蛋对内毒素脂多糖(LPS)的发烧反应以及对植物血凝素的迟发型超敏反应(PHA)在出生后进行评估。 E18可卡因暴露没有影响基础体温。在孵化后(D)注射后4小时和D24注射后2小时,LPS在雏鸡中引起发烧。 E18可卡因暴露在两个年龄段均将LPS诱导的发烧高峰抑制了50%。 E18可卡因暴露也抑制了对D17皮内注射PHA的超敏反应,而对盐水注射的反应没有影响。为了确定5-羟色胺(2)(5-HT(2))受体在可卡因发育毒性中的重要性,在E17上注射不同剂量的5-HT(2)拮抗剂利坦色林,然后在E18上注射可卡因。利他丝林与可卡因一样,并未改变基础温度,但剂量相关地减弱或阻断了可卡因对D4和D24引起的LPS引起的发烧的作用。 Ritanserin预处理还能够阻止在暴露E18可卡因后D16雏鸡中看到的钝性分离应激反应。因此,产前可卡因的晚期暴露显着改变了适应性发烧和超敏反应,而胚胎5-HT(2)受体在发烧效应中起了中介作用。



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