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On the role of attention for the processing of emotions in speech: Sex differences revisited.


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In a previous cross-modal priming study [A. Schirmer, A.S. Kotz, A.D. Friederici, Sex differentiates the role of emotional prosody during word processing, Cogn. Brain Res. 14 (2002) 228-233.], we found that women integrated emotional prosody and word valence earlier than men. Both sexes showed a smaller N400 in the event-related potential to emotional words when these words were preceded by a sentence with congruous compared to incongruous emotional prosody. However, women showed this effect with a 200-ms interval between prime sentence and target word whereas men showed the effect with a 750-ms interval. The present study was designed to determine whether these sex differences prevail when attention is directed towards the emotional content of prosody and word meaning. To this end, we presented the same prime sentences and target words as in our previous study. Sentences were spoken with happy or sad prosody and followed by a congruous or incongruous emotional word or pseudoword. The interval between sentence offset and target onset was 200 ms. In addition to performing a lexical decision, participants were asked to decide whether or not a word matched the emotional prosody of the preceding sentence. The combined lexical and congruence judgment failed to reveal differences in emotional-prosodic priming between men and women. Both sexes showed smaller N400 amplitudes to emotionally congruent compared to incongruent words. This suggests that the presence of sex differences in emotional-prosodic priming depends on whether or not participants are instructed to take emotional prosody into account.
机译:在以前的交叉模式启动研究中[A. Schirmer,A.S.科兹(Cogn。)脑水库。 14(2002)228-233。],我们发现女性比男性更早地融入了情感韵律和词义。与不协调的情感韵律相比,当这两个字之前带有不协调的句子时,这两个性别在事件相关的情感词潜力方面显示出较小的N400。但是,女性在主要句子和目标词之间的间隔为200毫秒,而男性则以750毫秒的间隔,表现出这种效果。本研究旨在确定当注意力集中于韵律和词义的情感内容时,这些性别差异是否普遍存在。为此,我们提出了与先前研究相同的主要句子和目标词。句子以快乐或悲伤的韵律来朗诵,接着是矛盾或矛盾的情感词或伪词。句子偏移与目标发作之间的间隔为200毫秒。除了进行词汇决定外,还要求参与者决定单词是否与前一句的情感韵律相匹配。词汇和一致性的综合判断未能揭示男女在情绪韵律启动方面的差异。与不一致的字词相比,男女两性的N400振幅较小,在情感上是一致的。这表明在情绪韵律启动中性别差异的存在取决于是否指示参与者考虑情绪韵律。



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