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Everything You Wanted to Know about Information Warfare but Were Afraid to Ask, Part 1

机译:你想知道但又不敢问的关于信息战的一切,第 1 部分

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Wars have been fought ever since there were human beings around who did not agree with one another. These conflicts continue to this day, with no end in sight. The use of information in warfare is nothing new. Those who had swift access to the best information and were able to act on it the earliest were usually the victors in battle. War is defined1 as: 1. Armed fighting between groups: an armed conflict between countries or groups that involves killing and destruction; The two countries are at war. 2. Period during war: a period of armed conflict; during the Vietnam War 3. Methods of warfare: the techniques or the study of the techniques of armed conflict. 4. Conflict: any serious struggle, argument, or conflict between people; The candidates are at war. 5. Serious effort to end something: an effort to eradicate something harmful; a war against drugs.
机译:自从周围有彼此不同意的人类以来,战争就一直在进行。这些冲突一直持续到今天,看不到尽头。在战争中使用信息并不是什么新鲜事。那些能够迅速获得最佳信息并能够尽早采取行动的人通常是战斗的胜利者。战争1的定义是:1.群体之间的武装战斗:国家或群体之间涉及杀戮和破坏的武装冲突;两国处于战争状态。2.战争期间:武装冲突时期;越南战争期间 3.战争方法:武装冲突技术或技术研究。4.冲突:人与人之间的任何严重的斗争、争吵或冲突;候选人处于战争状态。5. 认真努力结束某事:努力根除有害事物;一场打击毒品的战争。




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