首页> 外文期刊>Indian Journal of Weed Science >Control of complex weed flora in transplanted rice with herbicide mixurc

Control of complex weed flora in transplanted rice with herbicide mixurc


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Rice (Oryza saliva L.) is one of the most important food crop of India, contributing to about 40% of total food grain production. It plays a vital role in food security and livelihood for almost every household. Out of the total 44 mha area under ricecultivation, puddled rice culture occupies 56% (Anonymous, 2005). Weeds pose a major problem in rice production as they not only compete with crop but also hinder the quality. Weed competition brings reduction in yield of transplanted rice by about 28-45% (Kumar et al. 2008, Yadav et al. 2009). Therefore, timely weed control is imperative for realizing desired level of productivity. Accordingly, an efficient and economic weed management program is necessary to control different types of weeds throughout the cropping period. Hand weeding is expensive, time consuming, difficult and often limited by scarcity of laborers in time. On the other hand, herbicides offer economic and efficient weed control if applied at proper dose and stage (Prakash et al. 2013).
机译:稻米(Oryza saliva L.)是印度最重要的粮食作物之一,约占粮食总产量的40%。它在几乎每个家庭的粮食安全和生计中都发挥着至关重要的作用。在水稻总耕作的44公顷面积中,水化水稻种植占56%(匿名,2005年)。杂草在水稻生产中构成一个主要问题,因为它们不仅会与作物竞争,而且会影响稻米的质量。杂草竞争使移植水稻的产量降低了约28-45%(Kumar等,2008; Yadav等,2009)。因此,及时控制杂草对于实现所需的生产力水平至关重要。因此,必须有一个有效而经济的杂草管理计划,以在整个种植期间控制不同类型的杂草。手工除草价格昂贵,费时,困难,而且常常由于工人缺乏及时而受到限制。另一方面,如果以适当的剂量和阶段施用除草剂,则可以经济有效地控制杂草(Prakash等人,2013)。



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