首页> 外文期刊>Indian Journal of Weed Science >Efficacy of post-cmcrgcnce herbicides for weed control in transplanted rice

Efficacy of post-cmcrgcnce herbicides for weed control in transplanted rice


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Transplanted rice is mainly infested by barnyard grass besides some sedges and broad-leaved weeds. Moreover, recommended herbicides are effective against grasses only when used as pre-emergence and if there is ponding of water at least for 48 hours after treatment. With the continuous use ofthese herbicides, particularly anilofos, problem of sedges and broad-leaf weeds is increasing every year. Due to increasing problem of sedges and lack of availability of water after transplanting, there is an urgent need to have an early post-emergence herbicide, which can provide effective control of complex weed flora. Additionally, continuous use of the same herbicide may lead to change in weed flora and their intensity with respect to time and may also resultin evolution of resistance in some weed species. Some herbicides like bispyribac-sodium and azimsulfuron if applied at 15 and 25 DAT are effective for weed control in transplanted rice. Hence, a study was conducted to find out the efficacy of differentpost-emergence herbicides for weed control in transplanted rice.
机译:除一些莎草和阔叶杂草外,移栽水稻主要受bar草侵染。此外,推荐的除草剂仅在出苗前使用并且在处理后至少48小时内积水时才对草有效。随着这些除草剂,尤其是网纹草的持续使用,莎草和阔叶杂草的问题每年都在增加。由于莎草的问题日益严重,并且移植后缺乏水,因此迫切需要早期出苗后的除草剂,以提供对复杂杂草菌群的有效控制。另外,连续使用相同的除草剂可能导致杂草菌群及其强度随时间变化,还可能导致某些杂草物种产生抗药性。如果在15和25 DAT施用一些除草剂,如双嘧啶钠和阿齐磺隆,对移栽水稻的杂草控制有效。因此,进行了一项研究以发现不同的出苗后除草剂对水稻插秧的除草效果。



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