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Residual effect of cluster bean herbicides on succeeding wheat crop


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Cluster bean (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba (L.) Taub.), popularly known as 'Guar', is grown during rainy season in semi-arid and arid regions of India. Cluster bean is grown for different purposes from very ancient time. A seed of cluster bean contains 28-33% gum which is used in almost all types of industries, viz. textiles, paper, petroleum, pharmaceuticals, food processing, cosmetics, mining explosives, oil drilling etc. Cluster bean adds to the fertility of soil by fixing considerable amount of atmospheric nitrogen (Naagar and Meena 2004). As per past 10 years average, guar is being cultivated in India on about 3 million ha with a production of about 1.2 million tons with year to year variation especially in the years of drought as well as on high market demand. Rajasthan contributes 83% to the area and 65% to the production. In 2012, worldwide, about 0.45 million tons of guar products were traded with export value of US$ 4,623 million out of which share of Indian export was 80.8% (0.37 million tonnes) worth US$ 3,916 million. Among all the agricultural export commodities, cluster bean has become the highest foreign exchange earner of 212.87 billions followed by Basmati rice in the recent year of 2012-13 (NRAA 2014).
机译:在雨季,印度半干旱和干旱地区种植集束豆(Cyamopsis tetragonoloba(L.)Taub。)。聚束豆从很远的时候就出于不同目的而种植。蚕豆种子含有28-33%的树胶,几乎用于所有类型的工业。纺织品,造纸,石油,制药,食品加工,化妆品,采矿炸药,石油钻探等。集束豆通过固定大量的大气氮而增加了土壤肥力(Naagar and Meena 2004)。按照过去10年的平均水平,瓜尔豆在印度的种植面积约为300万公顷,产量约为120万吨,并且逐年变化,尤其是在干旱和市场需求旺盛的情况下。拉贾斯坦邦占该地区的83%,占产量的65%。 2012年,全球瓜尔瓜产品交易量为45万吨,出口值为46.23亿美元,其中印度出口份额为80.8%(37万吨),价值39.16亿美元。在所有农产品出口商品中,集束豆已成为最高的创汇收入,达到2128.7亿日元,其次是印度香米,在2012-13年(NRAA,2014年)。



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