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Predictions revisited, five years later.


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I wrote the following predictions in an article five years ago. It was my attempt to describe what our profession would look like in the "distant" future. Well, that distant future is here, so I'd like to review my predictions and score my accuracy. First, the original predictions from 2006: 1. The debate will still rage-are we "clinical engineering" or "biomedical engineering"? 2. No one will know how to solder (except a few old dinosaurs and a lot of managers). 3. Network certification will be a prerequisite to employment in biomed. 4. Everything will be wireless, except for high-security applications, which will have to be wired for security. 5. Windows 2009-Whizz-Boom-Bang still crashes every week and needs rebooting regularly. 6. Somebody finally builds a keyboard with a CTL-ALT-DEL key.
机译:我在五年前的一篇文章中写了以下预测。我试图描述我们的职业在“遥远”的将来会是什么样。好吧,遥远的未来就在这里,所以我想回顾一下我的预测并为我的准确性打分。首先,来自2006年的原始预测:1.辩论仍在激烈-我们是“临床工程”还是“生物医学工程”? 2.没有人会焊接(除了一些古老的恐龙和很多管理人员)。 3.网络认证将是在生物医学领域就业的先决条件。 4.除高安全性应用程序外,其他一切都将是无线的,而高安全性应用程序必须进行有线连接以确保安全性。 5. Windows 2009-Whizz-Boom-Bang仍然每周崩溃一次,需要定期重新启动。 6.最终有人用CTL-ALT-DEL键构建了一个键盘。



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