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Hey, it's the monkeys


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The proboscis monkey has a big nose, an even bigger belly and a huge survival problem. James Fair travels to the world's third largest island to find out whether primates could help to conserve its precious forests. MOST PEOPLE have played that game where they fantasise about what animal they would like to be reincarnated as. Don, a dolphin, perhaps, splishing and splashing around in a coral atoll somewhere in the Caribbean; or a tiger - grrr! - sleeping all day and padding through a gilded forest as evening falls. Well, having recently returned from Sabah, the Malaysian part of the island of Borneo, I can definitely cross one species off my list of future bodies to inhabit -the proboscis monkey.
机译:长鼻猴鼻子大,腹部更大,生存问题很大。詹姆斯·费尔(James Fair)前往世界第三大岛,以了解灵长类动物是否可以帮助保护其珍贵的森林。大多数人玩过那种游戏,他们幻想着他们想被转世为哪种动物。唐,也许是一只海豚,在加勒比海某个地方的珊瑚环礁中四处飞溅和飞溅;还是老虎-grrr! -全天睡觉,傍晚时分穿过一片镀金的森林。好吧,最近从婆罗洲岛的马来西亚部分沙巴回来后,我绝对可以从我未来栖身的清单中选择一种长鼻猴。



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