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The dawn of the CRANES


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A golden sun rises on a spectacular courtship dance that has not been seen in Britain for 400 years. Now the common crane is slowly recolonising old haunts. MARK COCKER tells the uplifting story of our very own phoenix ONE OF THE RAREST, the longest-winged, the loudest-voiced... the common crane is a bird of so many superlatives it's difficult to know where to begin. The one I particularly like is that in order to see a crane in Britain, you have to travel to the country's most eastern extremity, tothe seaward edge of the Norfolk Broads. Fortunately, I live near there, and for the past three decades I've made routine pilgrimages to enjoy views of one of our most impressive breeding species. On my last visit, I found a small flock feeding on open fields, far from the nearest road. At a distance, they appeared little more than grey smudges in the haze.
机译:在壮观的求爱舞蹈中,金色的太阳升起,这在英国已经有400年了。现在,普通的起重机正在缓慢地重新定居旧的出没。马克·科克(MARK COCKER)讲述了我们自己的凤凰城的令人振奋的故事:最长的翅膀,声音最大的声音...普通的起重机是这么多最高级的鸟,很难知道从哪里开始。我特别喜欢的一个是,要在英国看到一台起重机,您必须前往该国最东端,到诺福克山脉的海边缘。幸运的是,我住在附近,在过去的三十年里,我进行了定期的朝圣,以欣赏我们最令人印象深刻的繁殖物种之一的景色。在我的最后一次访问中,我发现了一个小羊群在开阔的田野上觅食,远离最近的道路。在远处,雾中它们看上去只不过是灰色的污迹。



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