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Power at one end, space at the other: There are seriously rapid estates at keen prices if you know what to look for


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I don't know what you think of the Jaguar XF Sportbrake, but I reckon that it's a handsome old beast. The very latest superfast XFR-S Sportbrake is, however, a hardly trifling £82,495. But why spend all of that when there are some fairly brisk shooting brakes, as they should still be called, for not a lot of money? They'll be pre-owned, of course, but that hardly matters. There are some obvious choices when it comes to big-engined estates, and one that is priced quite fabulously is the Chrysler 300C. You can get diesels, but wouldn't you rather have a 5.7-litre V8? It will do a more than adequate 155mph and comes with all of the fixtures and fittings that you need. Scouting about, you can pick up a 2007 example with history and maybe 80,000 miles for just below £7000. It might not be special enough for some, but it will be rare. Well, not as rare as a 6.1-litre SRT-8, which could be double the price, especially if it has a low mileage. As such, it will be £16,950 or thereabouts from a dealer.
机译:我不知道您对Jaguar XF Sportbrake的看法,但我认为这是一只英俊的老兽。然而,最新款的超快XFR-S Sportbrake的价格仅为82,495英镑。但是,为什么要花很多钱,而又要花些钱,又要用一些相当快的射击刹车呢?当然,它们将是二手的,但这无关紧要。对于大型机车来说,有一些显而易见的选择,而价格惊人的是克莱斯勒300C。您可以购买柴油,但是您不希望拥有5.7升V8吗?它将以超过每小时155英里的速度行驶,并随附您需要的所有固定装置和配件。搜寻一下,您可以花7000英镑以下的价格拿到一个有历史的2007年示例,也许还有80,000英里。对于某些人来说,它可能不够特殊,但是却很少见。好吧,这不是6.1升SRT-8少见的价格,它可能是价格的两倍,特别是在行驶里程较低的情况下。因此,从经销商处将是16950英镑左右。



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