首页> 外文期刊>Brain research >Ultrastructural features of synapse from dorsal parvocellular reticular formation neurons to hypoglossal motoneurons of the rat.

Ultrastructural features of synapse from dorsal parvocellular reticular formation neurons to hypoglossal motoneurons of the rat.


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The dorsal parvocellular reticular formation (PCRt) receives projection of the trigeminal mesencephalic nucleus neurons. It contains the dorsal group of interneurons that integrate and coordinate activity of the oral motor nuclei. Ultrastructural features of synaptic connection from the dorsal PCRt neurons to the motoneurons of the hypoglossal nucleus (XII) were examined at both the light and electron microscopic levels in rats. Biotinylated dextran amine (BDA) was initially iontophoresed into the dorsal part of PCRt unilaterally. Seven days later horseradish peroxidase (HRP) was injected into the body of the tongue. After histochemical reaction for visualization of HRP and BDA, the BDA-labeled fibers and terminals were seen distributing bilaterally in XII with ipsilateral predominance. BDA-labeled terminals were closely apposed upon HRP retrogradely labeled somata and dendrites of the XII motoneurons. A total of 1408 BDA-labeled boutons were examined ultrastructurally, which had mean size of 1.22+/-0.37 microm in diameter. Five hundred-ninety three of these boutons in both the ipsilateral (n=401) and contralateral (n=192) XII were seen to synapse on both the dendrites and somata of HRP-labeled motoneurons. The vast majorities of synapses were axodendritic (98%, 580/593), while 2% of them were axosomatic. Of the 1408 BDA-labeled boutons, 69.6% of them were S-type boutons containing small clear and spherical synaptic vesicles and 30.4% of them were PF-type boutons containing pleomorphic and flattened synaptic vesicles. Approximately 64% of synapses between BDA-labeled boutons and HRP-labeled motoneurons were asymmetric, and 33% of synapses were symmetric. No axoaxodendritic or axoaxosomatic synaptic triad was observed. The present study illustrated the anatomical pathway and synaptological characteristics of neuronal connection between the dorsal PCRt premotor neurons and the XII motoneurons. Its functional significance in coordinating activity of XII motoneurons during oral motor behaviors has been discussed.
机译:背面小细胞网状结构(PCRt)接收三叉神经中脑核神经元的投射。它包含整合和协调口腔运动核活动的中间神经元背侧群。在大鼠的光镜和电镜下均检测了背侧PCRt神经元与舌下核(XII)运动神经元的突触连接的超微结构特征。首先将生物素化的右旋糖酐胺(BDA)离子电渗入PCRt的背侧部分。 7天后,将辣根过氧化物酶(HRP)注射到舌头体内。在通过组织化学反应观察HRP和BDA后,发现BDA标记的纤维和末端在XII中以同侧为主分布在两侧。 BDA标记的末端紧贴在HRP逆向标记的Somata和XII运动神经元的树突上。超结构检查了总共1408个BDA标记的钮扣,其平均直径为1.22 +/- 0.37微米。在同侧(n = 401)和对侧(n = 192)XII中,有593个这样的钮扣在HRP标记的运动神经元的树突和躯体上都突触。绝大多数突触是轴突性的(98%,580/593),而其中2%是无轴突的。在1408个BDA标记的钮扣中,有69.6%为S型钮扣,包含小的透明球形突触囊泡,其中30.4%为PF型钮扣,其中包含多形和扁平的突触囊泡。 BDA标记的boutons和HRP标记的运动神经元之间约有64%的突触是不对称的,而33%的突触是对称的。没有观察到轴突性树突或轴突性突触三联征。本研究阐明了背侧PCRt运动前神经元和XII运动神经元之间神经元连接的解剖途径和突触特征。讨论了其在口运动行为过程中协调XII运动神经元活性的功能意义。



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