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How hard can it be to find a giant?


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"There's nothing to fear in the Pantanal," announced field co-ordinator Ellen Wang at our orientation meeting. "Apart from the peccaries, which will bite you given half a chance (so make sure your tree-climbing abilities are up to scratch), the piranhas and stingrays lurking in the cold, deep waters of the river (so shuffle, don't walk), the pit vipers that may climb into your boots if you leave them outside (so don't), and two species of blood-sucking bat, which don't normally bite humans." With these words of encouragement, I arrived in Brazil's Pantanal, the world's largest wetland and home to the greatest concentration of- mainly benign - wildlife in South America. I was joining a research project, run by environmental charity Earthwatch, studying the ecology of the giant otter Pteronura brasiliensis and its smaller cousin, the neotropical river otter Lontra longicaudis.
机译:现场协调员王爱玲在我们的迎新会议上宣布:“潘塔纳尔山没有什么可担心的。” “除了野猪,它会咬你一半的机会(所以要确保爬树的能力不被破坏),食人鱼和黄貂鱼潜伏在河水的寒冷深处(所以洗牌,不要步行),如果您将靴子放在外面的话可能会爬进靴子的坑毒蛇(所以不要这样做)和两种吸血蝙蝠,它们通常不会咬人。”带着这些鼓励的话,我来到了巴西的潘塔纳尔湿地,它是世界上最大的湿地,也是南美地区(主要是良性的)野生动植物最集中的地方。我正在参加一个由环境慈善机构Earthwatch开展的研究项目,研究巨型水獭巴西蕨及其较小的表亲新热带水獭Lontra longicaudis的生态。



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