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Dancing in the dark


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As daylight drains from the Surrey sky, details of the landscape in front of me - a swathe of heather, dense clumps of gorse, the odd sapling - gradually merge into dark, fuzzy shapes. On the horizon, small groups of Scots pines are etched against pink-rimmed clouds. Two robins and a cuckoo continue singing after sunset, and I hear the staccato bark of a fox. In the background, traffic speeds along the A3 dual carriageway that skirts the southeast edge of Thursley Common. I set off from the reserve car park an hour ago and followed the boardwalk through a reedy mire out into the heath. On the way I caught sight of an acrobatic hobby hunting the last of the day's dragonflies. Now I'm atop Shrike Hill, a nightjar hotspot that, during the day, offers a panoramic view of the common.
机译:随着日光从萨里(Surrey)的天空中流出来,我面前的风景细节-一堆石南花,浓密的金雀花丛,奇怪的树苗-逐渐融合为黑暗,模糊的形状。在地平线上,一小群苏格兰松树刻在粉红色边缘的云层上。两只知更鸟和一只杜鹃在日落之后继续唱歌,我听见一只狐狸的断断续续的树皮。在背景中,沿着Thursley Common东南边缘的A3双行车道的行车速度加快。一个小时前,我从后备停车场出发,沿着木板路穿过一条芦苇泥潭,进入荒地。在途中,我看到了杂技爱好者在一天的最后一次蜻蜓中狩猎。现在,我在一个夜猫子热点伯劳山(Shrike Hill)上,白天可以欣赏到全貌。



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