首页> 外文期刊>Australian Veterinary Journal >Amoebic meningoencephalitis caused by Balamuthia mandrillaris in an orang utan.

Amoebic meningoencephalitis caused by Balamuthia mandrillaris in an orang utan.

机译:由猩猩Balamuthia mandrillaris在猩猩中引起的阿米巴性脑膜脑炎。

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The case of a 20-year-old male orang utan (Pongo pygmaeus) who developed acute onset depression, lethargy, inappetance and apparent head pain is reported. The animal was considered to have a systemic manifestation of an ongoing respiratory disease (Pseudomonas spp. including P. aeruginosa were cultured from a mild air sac discharge) and was treated with enrofloxacin (5 mg/kg orally, once daily). The treatment was changed 4 days later to a syrup preparation of 1000 mg amoxycillin and 250 mg clavulanate (twice daily). By the 7th day the animal had become ataxic and disorientated and he died on the 9th day of the illness. Although a brain abscess was suspected as the cause of death, necropsy and brain sectioning revealed the presence of multiple circular, soft, white-grey brown areas of varying size. The largest areas were in the left temporal (3.5 cm diameter) and right occipital (2.5 cm diameter) regions of the cerebrum. Histological sections stained with haematoxylin and eosin revealed many amoebic trophozoites and occasional cysts associated with areas of haemorrhage and inflammatory necrosis. The trophozoites were packed in perivascular spaces and their nuclei often contained 2 or more prominent nucleoli. Amoebae were not detected in sectionsof the air sac and lung. The cytological features of the trophozoites and cysts were characteristic of both Acanthamoeba spp. and Balamuthia mandrillaris. Indirect immunofluorescent labelling of histological sections suggested that the agent was B. mandrillaris. It is concluded that B. mandrillaris should be considered amongst the causes of acute onset meningoencephalitis in animals.
机译:据报道,一名20岁的男性猩猩(Pongo pygmaeus)出现急性发作性抑郁,嗜睡,食欲不振和明显的头痛。该动物被认为具有正在进行的呼吸系统疾病的全身表现(从轻度气囊排出物中培养出包括铜绿假单胞菌的假单胞菌属物种),并用恩诺沙星(口服5 mg / kg每天一次)治疗。 4天后将治疗改变为1000mg阿莫西林和250mg克拉维酸盐的糖浆制剂(每天两次)。到第7天,该动物已经变得共济失调并且迷失了方向,并且在疾病的第9天死亡。尽管怀疑脑脓肿是导致死亡的原因,但尸检和脑切片显示存在多个大小不一的圆形,柔软,白灰色棕色区域。最大的区域在大脑的左颞(直径3.5厘米)和右枕(直径2.5厘米)区域。用苏木精和曙红染色的组织学切片显示,许多阿米巴滋养体和偶发的囊肿与出血和炎性坏死区域相关。滋养体堆积在血管周围空间中,它们的核通常包含2个或更多突出的核仁。在气囊和肺部未检出变形虫。滋养体和囊肿的细胞学特征均为棘阿米巴属菌种的特征。和Balamuthia mandrillaris。组织切片的间接免疫荧光标记表明该试剂是曼氏芽孢杆菌。结论是,应将B. mandrillaris视为动物急性发作性脑膜脑炎的病因之一。



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