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Infrageneric phylogeny of Chloantheae (Lamiaceae) based on chloroplast ndhF and nuclear ITS sequence data


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The tribe Chloantheae (Prostantheroideae, Lamiaceae) currently consists of over 100 species in nine genera, all of which are endemic to Australia. Generic delimitations were assessed using chloroplast 3'ndhF and nuclear ITS nucleotide sequence data for up to seventy species. Analyses of the two datasets, independently and in combination, used maximum parsimony and Bayesian phylogenetic inference methods. Topologies derived from each marker were broadly congruent, but better resolution and stronger branch support was achieved by combining the datasets. The monophyly of the Chloantheae was confirmed. Brachysola is sister to the rest of the tribe and Chloanthes, Cyanostegia and Dicrastylis (including Mallophora) are monophyletic. Although the species within Dicrastylis were only partially resolved, it appears likely that the current sectional classification of this genus will require revision. A clade containing Newcastelia, Physopsis and Lachnostachys (=Physopsideae) was recovered, but the topology indicates that the current generic circumscriptions need further investigation. A close relationship between Hemiphora elderi, Pityrodia bartlingii and P. uncinata was resolved and reflects their palynological and carpological similarities. The relationship between remaining species of Pityrodia was incompletely resolved.
机译:Ch科(Prostantheroideae,Lamiaceae)目前由9个属的100多个物种组成,所有这些都是澳大利亚特有的。使用叶绿体3'ndhF和核ITS核苷酸序列数据评估了多达70个物种的通用定界。分别对两个数据集进行分析,并结合使用最大简约和贝叶斯系统发生推断方法。从每个标记得出的拓扑大致相同,但是通过组合数据集可以实现更好的分辨率和更强的分支支持。确证了lo草科的单科。 Brachysola是其余部落的姐妹,而Chloanthes,Cyanostegia和Dicrastylis(包括Mallophora)是单亲的。尽管Dicrastylis中的物种仅被部分分解,但该属的当前分类似乎有可能需要修改。一个包含纽卡斯尔,Physopsis和Lachnostachys(= Physopsideae)的进化枝被回收,但是拓扑结构表明当前的通用限制条件需要进一步研究。解决了Hemiphora elderi,Pityrodia bartlingii和P. uncinata之间的密切关系,并反映了它们的孢粉学和鱼类学相似性。糠ity剩余物种之间的关系尚未完全解决。



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