首页> 外文期刊>American journal of human biology: the official journal of the Human Biology Council >Why do women have more children than they want? Understanding differences in women's ideal and actual family size in a natural fertility population

Why do women have more children than they want? Understanding differences in women's ideal and actual family size in a natural fertility population


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Objectives: We develop and test a conceptual model of factors influencing women's ideal family size (IFS) in a natural fertility population, the Tsimane of Bolivia. The model posits affects of socioecology, reproductive history, maternal condition, and men's IFS. We test three hypotheses for why women may exceed their IFS despite experiencing socioeconomic development: (H 1) limited autonomy; (H 2) improved maternal condition; and (H 3) low returns on investments in embodied capital. Methods: Women's reproductive histories and prospective fertility data were collected from 2002 to 2008 (n = 305 women). Semistructured interviews were conducted with Tsimane women to study the perceived value of parental investment (n = 76). Multiple regression, t-tests, and analysis of variance (ANOVA) are used to test model predictions. Results: Women's IFS is predicted by their socioecology, reproductive history, maternal condition, and husband's IFS. Hypotheses 2 and 3 are supported. Couples residing near town have smaller IFS (women = 3.75 ± 1.64; men = 3.87 ± 2.64) and less variance in IFS. However, the degree fertility exceeds IFS is inversely correlated with distance to town (Partial r = -0.189, df = 156, P = 0.018). Women living near town have greater maternal condition but 64% value traditional skills over formal schooling and 88% believe living in town is unfeasible. Conclusions: While reduced IFS is evident with socioeconomic development, fertility decline may not immediately follow. When perceived benefits of investment in novel forms of embodied capital are low, and somatic wealth and large kin networks persist as important components of fitness, fertility may remain high and increase if maternal condition improves.
机译:目的:我们开发和测试影响自然生育人口玻利维亚的Tsimane中妇女理想家庭规模(IFS)的因素的概念模型。该模型假定了社会生态学,生殖史,产妇状况和男性IFS的影响。我们测试了三个假设,说明尽管经历了社会经济发展,妇女为何仍可能超出其IFS:(H 1)有限的自治; (H 2)产妇状况得到改善; (H 3)体现资本投资回报率低。方法:收集2002年至2008年的女性生殖史和预期生育率数据(n = 305名女性)。对Tsimane妇女进行了半结构化访谈,以研究父母投资的感知价值(n = 76)。多元回归,t检验和方差分析(ANOVA)用于检验模型预测。结果:妇女的IFS由其社会生态学,生殖史,产妇状况和丈夫的IFS预测。支持假设2和3。居住在城镇附近的夫妇的IFS较小(女性= 3.75±1.64;男性= 3.87±2.64),并且IFS的差异较小。但是,超过IFS的受孕程度与到城镇的距离呈负相关(部分r = -0.189,df = 156,P = 0.018)。居住在城镇附近的妇女的产妇状况更高,但64%的人重视传统技能而不是正规学校教育,而88%的人认为居住在城镇中是不可行的。结论:尽管随着社会经济发展,IFS下降明显,但生育率下降可能不会立即发生。当人们以新颖的形式体现的资本获得的可观的投资收益低,而身体财富和大家庭网络仍然是健身的重要组成部分时,如果产妇状况得到改善,生育率可能会保持很高水平并增加。



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