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Blacked-out spaces: Freud, censorship and the re-territoriali ization of mind


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Freud's analogies were legion: hydraulic pipes, military recruitment, magic writing pads. These and some three hundred others took features of the mind and bound them to far-off scenes – the id only very partially resembles an uncontrollable horse, as Freud took pains to note. But there was one relation between psychic and public act that Freud did not delimit in this way: censorship, the process that checked memories and dreams on their way to the conscious. (Freud dubbed the relation between internal and external censorship a 'parallel' rather than a limited analogy.) At first, Freud likened this suppression to the blacking out of texts at the Russian frontier. During the First World War, he suffered, and spoke of suffering under, Viennese postal and newspaper censorship – Freud was forced to leave his envelopes unsealed, and to recode or delete content. Over and over, he registered the power of both internal and public censorship in shared form: distortion, anticipatory deletion, softenings, even revision to hide suppression. Political censorship left its mark as the conflict reshaped his view of the psyche into a society on a war footing, with homunculus-like border guards sifting messages as they made their way – or did not – across a topography of mind.
机译:弗洛伊德的类比是军团:液压管道,军事征募,魔术写字板。这些和其他三百种具有思维特征,并将它们限制在遥不可及的场景中-弗洛伊德不厌其烦地注意到,这种id只是在某种程度上类似于无法控制的马匹。但是,弗洛伊德没有以这种方式来界定心理行为和公共行为之间的一种联系:审查制度,即检查记忆和梦想进入意识状态的过程。 (弗洛伊德称内部和外部审查制度之间的关系为“平行”,而不是有限的类比。)起初,弗洛伊德将这种压制比作俄罗斯边境上的文本涂黑。在第一次世界大战期间,他遭受了维也纳邮政和报纸审查制度的折磨,并遭受痛苦的折磨–弗洛伊德被迫揭开信封,重新编码或删除内容。他一遍又一遍地以共享形式记录了内部和公共检查的力量:扭曲,预期删除,软化,甚至修改以隐藏隐藏。政治审查制度留下了深刻的烙印,因为这场冲突将他对心灵的看法重新塑造成一个战争基础上的社会,像ho一样的边防军在他们穿越或不穿越思维地形时筛选信息。



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