
It's time for a new voice


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Like sharks smelling blood, the libertarian, smaller-government crowd again is blabbering about municipal recycling being "worthless" and "an economic disaster." It's time a new voice be heard that counters the rantings of the anti-recyclers. And 1 have a nominee for that new voice. Municipal recycling is going through a hard patch. An unrelenting market downturn in all commodities has resulted in some local recycling programs recovering ever more tons at the same lime they generate record low revenues. Numerous elected officials, even many who generally are supportive of the economic and environmental benefits of materuils recovery, are carefully assessing governmental recycling program budgets. As a result, a handful of small programs have been abandoned (see the "Programs in Action" department in this and previous issues).
机译:就像鲨鱼闻到血腥味一样,自由主义的、小政府的人群再次喋喋不休地谈论市政回收“毫无价值”和“经济灾难”。现在是时候听到一个新的声音来反击反回收者的咆哮了。并且 1 有新声音的提名人。市政回收正在经历一个艰难的时期。所有商品市场的持续低迷导致一些地方回收计划以创纪录的低收入回收更多吨。许多民选官员,甚至许多普遍支持材料回收的经济和环境效益的官员,都在仔细评估政府的回收计划预算。结果,一些小程序被放弃了(参见本期和前几期的“行动中的程序”部分)。




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