首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Coal Geology >A comprehensive hazard evaluation system for spontaneous combustion of coal in underground mining

A comprehensive hazard evaluation system for spontaneous combustion of coal in underground mining


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The traditional identification of spontaneous combustion hazard of coal in China is unilateral and inaccurate, which is singly attributed to the properties of coal. Based on current research findings on coal fires, we've reconsidered the influential factors that lead to the spontaneous combustion of coal seams, and have ultimately built a comprehensive system for evaluating the hazard of spontaneous combustion. Applying holistic scoring method and Analytic Hierarchy Process, we integrated all of the factors into a quantitative model, and classified the ratings into five levels. Additionally, a Visual Basic 6.0 based application program has been developed to assist the evaluation, as well as three domestic colliery cases with varying fire hazards have been tested. Through practical application, the hazard evaluations have proved to be objective and valid, so the system is applicable to Chinese coal mines.
机译:我国对煤自燃危害的传统认定是单方面的、不准确的,这完全归因于煤的性质。基于目前对煤火的研究成果,我们重新考虑了导致煤层自燃的影响因素,并最终建立了一个全面的自燃危害评估体系。应用整体评分法和层次分析法,我们将所有因素整合到一个定量模型中,并将评分分为五个级别。此外,还开发了一个基于Visual Basic 6.0的应用程序来协助评估,并测试了三个具有不同火灾危险的国内煤矿案例。通过实际应用,该危害评价被证明是客观有效的,因此该系统适用于中国煤矿。




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