首页> 外文期刊>Indagationes Mathematicae >Foliated groupoids and infinitesimal ideal systems

Foliated groupoids and infinitesimal ideal systems


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The main goal of this work is to introduce a natural notion of ideal in a Lie algebroid, the "infinitesimal ideal systems". Ideals in Lie algebras and the Bott connection associated to involutive subbundles of tangent bundles are special cases. The definition of these objects is motivated by the infinitesimal description of involutive multiplicative distributions on Lie groupoids. In the Lie group case, such distributions correspond to ideals. Several examples of infinitesimal ideal systems are presented, and (under suitable regularity conditions) the quotient of a Lie algebroid by an infinitesimal ideal system is shown to be a Lie algebroid. ?c 2014 Royal Dutch Mathematical Society (KWG). Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:这项工作的主要目的是在李代数中引入理想的自然概念,即“无限理想系统”。 Lie代数中的理想情况以及与切线束的渐开子束相关的Bott连接是特例。这些对象的定义是受李群群上渐进式乘法分布的无穷小描述的启发。在李群的情况下,这样的分布对应于理想。给出了无穷小理想系统的几个示例,并且(在适当的规则性条件下)无穷小理想系统的Lie代数商被证明是Lie代数。 ?c 2014荷兰皇家数学会(KWG)。由Elsevier B.V.发布。保留所有权利。



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