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Bringing robots to the masses?


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Microsoft hopes to inject new life into the global robotics market with its recent announcement of an initiative aimed at helping equipment manufacturers, software vendors and end users benefit from a standardised Windows-based development environment, making it easier for industry to use automation and work smarter. But what's in it for the hard-pressed manufacturer, especially the smaller business? Small to medium-size enterprise (SME) manufacturers, typically subcontractors, are struggling to compete with low cost production in the Far East and Eastern Europe. Robots represent a way forward, transferring valuable human resources onto tasks -existing or new - that demand the specialised capabilities and creative attributes that only a human being is able to provide. The argument may be simplistic, but it also begs the question - could your business benefit by installing robots? It depends on what you really need. Microsoft's recent announcement should allow robot developers to tackle more sophisticated tasks, but how much easier will it make the work of the developers who take up this challenge and how much will it benefit their end users?
机译:微软希望通过最近宣布的一项举措来为全球机器人市场注入新的活力,该举措旨在帮助设备制造商,软件供应商和最终用户受益于基于Windows的标准化开发环境,从而使行业更容易使用自动化并更智能地工作。 。但是,对于业绩不佳的制造商(尤其是规模较小的企业)来说,它有什么用?中小型企业(SME)制造商,通常是分包商,正努力与远东和东欧的低成本生产竞争。机器人代表了一种前进的道路,它将宝贵的人力资源转移到现有或新的任务上,这些任务需要只有人类才能提供的专门功能和创新属性。该论点可能很简单,但也引出了一个问题-安装机器人是否可以使您的业务受益?这取决于您的实际需求。微软最近发布的公告应该使机器人开发人员能够处理更复杂的任务,但是,这将使承担这项挑战的开发人员的工作变得多么轻松,这将使最终用户受益多少?



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