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Versatility is the key to EtherNet/IP

机译:多功能性是EtherNet / IP的关键

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Paul Brooks, European product manager for Rockwell Automation, gives his opinion on the reasons behind the huge take-up of EtherNet/IP protocol. With the recent announcement, by the ODVA, of the one millionth node installation, it is fair to say that EtherNet/IP has established itself. Since its earliest variant, Ethernet has seen almost exponential growth, helped by the explosion into the public consciousness of the world wide web. The need for a common protocol, accessible and useable by all, was a major driver and it is fair to say that Ethernet is now the primary technology that underpins the modern information age.
机译:罗克韦尔自动化公司欧洲产品经理Paul Brooks就大量采用EtherNet / IP协议背后的原因发表了自己的看法。通过ODVA最近宣布的百万分之一节点安装,可以说EtherNet / IP已经建立了自己。自从其最早的变体以来,由于万维网对公众意识的爆炸式增长,以太网已经实现了近乎指数级的增长。对所有人都可以访问和使用的通用协议的需求是主要的推动力,可以说,以太网现在是支撑现代信息时代的主要技术。



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