首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Coal Geology >Swelling of moist coal in carbon dioxide and methane

Swelling of moist coal in carbon dioxide and methane


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Determining the feasibility of injecting CO_2 into coal seams for enhanced coalbed methane (ECBM) recovery as well as providing long-term carbon sequestration is an active area of research. It is now well known that coal swells in the presence of water and gases, which in turn may affect its in-seam permeability. If the swelling of the coal matrix by each component can be quantified, it may be possible to make better predictions about the suitability of particular seams for ECBM and carbon sequestration. Despite numerous studies where coal swelling has been measured in gases or water, there is relatively little information relating to how swelling of coals by gases is affected by water. In this paper we report on the gas-induced swelling behaviour of four moist Australian coals. Blocks of coal, nominally 30×9×9 mm, were cut parallel and perpendicular to the bedding plane from larger lumps. Samples were moisture-equilibrated at 97 relative humidity before being exposed to CO_2 or CH_4 at pressures up to 16 MPa and a temperature of 55 ℃. Swelling of each sample was measured directly using digital cameras to monitor the change in length of the block as a function of pressure. Results show that swelling was greater in CO_2 than CH_4, with lower rank coals swelling more than high rank material. The presence of moisture significantly reduced the amount of additional swelling by the gas compared to dry coals; however, the degree to which the swelling of the coals was affected by moisture depended on the rank of the coal. It was also found that, proportionally, CH_4-induced swelling was more affected by the presence of moisture than CO_2-induced swelling. Although moist coals swelled less in CO_2 or CH_4 than dry coals, if the swelling due to moisture is included, the total swelling is more than that induced by the corresponding gas in the dry coal.
机译:确定向煤层中注入CO_2以提高煤层气 (ECBM) 采收率以及提供长期碳封存的可行性是一个活跃的研究领域。众所周知,煤在水和气体存在下会膨胀,这反过来又会影响其煤层内的渗透性。如果可以量化每个组分对煤基体的膨胀,就有可能更好地预测特定煤层对ECBM和碳封存的适用性。尽管已经进行了许多研究,测量了煤在气体或水中的膨胀,但关于气体对煤的膨胀如何受到水的影响的信息相对较少。在本文中,我们报告了四种潮湿的澳大利亚煤的气体诱导膨胀行为。标称为 30×9×9 毫米的煤块从较大的块状物平行并垂直于层理平面切割。样品在相对湿度为97%的情况下进行水分平衡,然后暴露于压力高达16 MPa和温度为55°C的CO_2或CH_4中。使用数码相机直接测量每个样品的膨胀度,以监测块长度随压力的变化。结果表明:CO_2煤的膨胀大于CH_4,低等级煤的膨胀程度高于高等级的煤。与干煤相比,水分的存在显着减少了气体的额外膨胀量;然而,煤的膨胀受水分影响的程度取决于煤的等级。还发现,按比例计算,CH_4引起的肿胀比CO_2引起的肿胀更受水分的影响。虽然湿煤在CO_2或CH_4中的膨胀比干煤少,但如果包括水分引起的膨胀,则总膨胀大于干煤中相应气体引起的膨胀。




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