首页> 外文期刊>Avian Diseases >Transmission and shedding patterns of Salmonella in naturally infected captive wild roof rats (Rattus rattus) from a Salmonella-contaminated layer farm.

Transmission and shedding patterns of Salmonella in naturally infected captive wild roof rats (Rattus rattus) from a Salmonella-contaminated layer farm.

机译:沙门氏菌污染层农场中自然感染的圈养野生屋顶大鼠(Rattus rattus)的沙门氏菌传播和脱落模式。

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Rodents play a major role in the transmission and maintenance of Salmonella contamination cycles in poultry facilities. However, very limited field data are available regarding the transmission routes, infection cycle, and shedding patterns of Salmonella by naturally infected wild rodents from commercial layer farms. In this study, a total of 128 resident wild roof rats (Rattus rattus) were captured from a Salmonella-contaminated layer facility. All roof rats were divided into 51 laboratory cages, and weekly monitoring of Salmonella fecal shedding patterns was conducted for 53 wk. Seven roof rats from cages that were observed to frequently shed Salmonella were isolated in individual cages, and daily Salmonella monitoring was performed for 35 days. At the end of monitoring, each roof rat was euthanatized, and isolation of Salmonella from different organs was performed. Results of weekly monitoring of Salmonella showed that 21 of 51 cages (41.2%) were positive for Salmonella Infantis, while two cages (3.92%) were positive for Salmonella Enteritidis. Moreover, 11 cages were positive for Salmonella for at least two sampling weeks. Isolation of Salmonella from fecal droppings was mainly observed during the first 12 wk of captivity. The longest interval between two Salmonella-positive fecal dropping was 24 wk. In the daily Salmonella monitoring, only Salmonella Infantis was isolated from fecal droppings, in which the highest number of Salmonella Infantis organisms per fecal dropping was at 1x108 colony-forming units (cfu), while the lowest measured quantity was 1x103 cfu. It was noted that the frequency of Salmonella shedding in fecal droppings appeared to have a linear correlation (r=0.85) with the number of Salmonella organisms (cfu) per fecal pellet (P<0.05). Moreover, pulsed-field gel electrophoresis analysis of Salmonella Infantis isolates revealed a single identical pulsed-field pattern. Salmonella Enteritidis isolates from fecal droppings and internal organs also generated a single identical pulsed-field pattern. Interestingly, Salmonella Infantis was not isolated from any of the organs examined, while Salmonella Enteritidis was isolated from the spleen and liver of one roof rat. These results may indicate that wild roof rats could persistently carry Salmonella and contaminate commercial poultry facilities through intermittent fecal shedding. Moreover, Salmonella Enteritidis in wild roof rats appears to be more of a systemic infection, in which isolation is most likely to occur in internal organs, whereas Salmonella Infantis is more likely an enteric type of infection, in which isolation is most likely to occur in the intestinal contents. It is very plausible that layer chickens could become infected with Salmonella through ingestion of Salmonella-positive fecal droppings or feeds contaminated with these fecal droppings from infected resident roof rats. This is likely one of the major reasons why layer houses can be persistently infected by Salmonella even if the facilities are thoroughly cleaned and disinfected and if replacement stocks are obtained from Salmonella-free breeders and rearing units. It is therefore a noteworthy suggestion that rodent control programs inside poultry premises comprise an essential and effective tool in the management and control of Salmonella contamination in layer flocks.
机译:啮齿动物在禽类设施中沙门氏菌污染周期的传播和维持中起着重要作用。但是,关于来自商业蛋鸡场的自然感染的野生啮齿动物的沙门氏菌的传播途径,感染周期和脱落模式的现场数据非常有限。在这项研究中,从受沙门氏菌污染的层设施中捕获了总共128只常驻野生屋顶大鼠(Rattus rattus )。将所有的屋顶大鼠分成51个实验室笼,并每周监测53个星期的沙门氏菌粪便脱落模式。从各个笼子中分离出七只观察到经常掉出沙门氏菌的屋顶鼠,每天进行35天的沙门氏菌监测。监测结束时,对每只屋顶大鼠实施安乐死,并从不同器官中分离出沙门氏菌。每周对沙门氏菌的监测结果表明,在51个网箱中有21个(41.2%)沙门氏菌呈阳性,而两个网箱(3.92%)对沙门氏菌呈阳性。 肠炎。此外,至少两个采样周内,有11个笼子的沙门氏菌呈阳性。主要在人工饲养的前12周观察到从粪便中分离出沙门氏菌。两次沙门氏菌阳性粪便滴落之间的最长间隔为24周。在每天的沙门氏菌监测中,仅从粪便中分离出沙门氏菌>小肠沙门氏菌,其中每个粪便中最多的沙门氏菌小肠沙门氏菌数量为1x10 8 集落形成单位(cfu),而最低的测量量为1x10 3 cfu。值得注意的是,粪便中沙门氏菌脱落的频率似乎与沙门氏菌生物体的数量呈线性相关( r = 0.85)。 (cfu)每粪便颗粒( P <0.05)。此外,沙门氏菌沙门氏菌分离株的脉冲场凝胶电泳分析揭示了一个相同的脉冲场模式。从粪便中分离出沙门氏菌肠炎沙门氏菌,内部器官也产生了一个相同的脉冲场模式。有趣的是,没有从任何检查过的器官中分离出沙门氏菌,而从一只屋顶大鼠的脾脏和肝脏中分离出肠沙门氏菌。这些结果可能表明,野生屋顶大鼠可能会间歇性地排泄粪便,从而持续携带沙门氏菌并污染商业家禽设施。此外,野生屋顶大鼠中的沙门氏菌肠炎似乎更多是系统性感染,其中最有可能在内部器官中发生隔离,而沙门氏菌小儿沙门氏菌更可能是一种系统感染。肠型感染,其中最有可能在肠道内容物中发生隔离。通过摄入沙门氏菌阳性粪便或受感染的常驻屋顶大鼠粪便污染的饲料,可能使层状鸡感染沙门氏菌。即使设施经过彻底清洁和消毒,并且从无沙门氏菌的替代品中获取替代物,这也可能是导致层房屋持续受到沙门氏菌感染的主要原因之一。饲养员和饲养单位。因此,值得注意的建议是,家禽舍内的啮齿动物控制程序是蛋鸡群中沙门氏菌污染的管理和控制的重要而有效的工具。



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