首页> 外文期刊>Marine ecology >Long-term variability of the coastal ocean stratification in the Gulf of Naples: Two decades of monitoring the marine ecosystem at the LTER–MC site, between land and open Mediterranean Sea

Long-term variability of the coastal ocean stratification in the Gulf of Naples: Two decades of monitoring the marine ecosystem at the LTER–MC site, between land and open Mediterranean Sea


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We analyze 20 years (2001–2020)of temperature and salinity profiles at the LTER–MCcoastal station in the Gulf of Naples, Mediterranean Sea. Surface and bottom layersshow weak increases of temperature (+ 0.01 ± 0.01 and + 0.03 ± 0.02℃∕year,2005–2019);water-columnsbudgets (heat, freshwater) show pseudo-periodicoscillationsevery 3 to 5 years, and weak linear trends. Seasonal minimum of salinity occurs2 months later than the runoff peak, pointing to the importance of horizontalcirculation in regulating the inshore–offshoreexchanges and the residence time offreshwater. Inter-annualvariations of the mixed layer depth (MLD) indicate a shallowing(? 1.27 ± 0.38m∕year during winter) and a shortened time span of the fully mixedwater-column.A visible decadal shift in the external forcings suggests an influence ofwinterly wind stress in 2010–2019,that prevailed over dominant buoyancy fluxes in2001–2009.Changes are visible in the large-scaleindices of the North Atlantic andWestern Mediterranean Oscillations and highlight the role of wind direction, offshoreor inshore oriented, in disrupting the stratification driven by freshwater runoff. ARandom Forest Regression confirms that role and quantifies the MLD's drivers importance.This allows for a reliable prediction of the stratification using external variablesindependent from the in-situobservations.
机译:我们分析了地中海那不勒斯湾LTER-MC沿海站20年(2001-2020年)的温度和盐度剖面。表层和底层温度略有升高(+ 0.01 ± 0.01 和 + 0.03 ± 0.02°C∕年,2005-2019 年);水柱预算(热量、淡水)每 3 至 5 年显示一次伪周期性振荡,线性趋势较弱。季节最低盐度比径流峰值晚2个月出现,表明水平环流对调控近岸-近海交换和淡水停留时间具有重要意义。混合层深度(MLD)的年际变化表明,完全混合水柱较浅(冬季为1.27±0.38m∕year),时间跨度缩短。外部强迫的明显年代际变化表明,2010-2019年冬季风应力的影响在2001-2009年优于主要的浮力通量。在北大西洋和西地中海涛动的大尺度指数中可以看到变化,并突出了近海或近岸风向在破坏淡水径流驱动的分层中的作用。随机森林回归证实了这一作用,并量化了 MLD 的驱动因素重要性。这允许使用独立于原位观测的外部变量对分层进行可靠的预测。




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