首页> 外文期刊>IDS Bulletin >Development Professionals: Reconciling Personal Values with professional Values

Development Professionals: Reconciling Personal Values with professional Values


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This article is the result of conversations among a group of development professionals associated with the Centre for Poverty Analysis (CEPA) in Sri Lanka, around questions of the values uuith uuhich we conduct our work and what this means for our practice. Prompted by the opportunity presented by the Reimagining Development initiative and in the wake of the global financial crisis of 2008, specifically we asked: Is there tension between values that drive our life and those that drive the 'development' we promote? Is there tension between our personal aspirations and the type of development we promote for the 'poor'? UJhat are the implications on us as individuals and as professionals? UUhat are the implications on the 'targets' of the development that we promote? The discussion that follows is based on a structured process of reflection and discussion of ideas among a purposively selected group of professionals, all institutionally linked to CEPA. The analysis of how these values are reconciled provides a useful basis to take the discussion of an alternative, value-driven development paradigm forward.
机译:本文是与斯里兰卡贫困分析中心(CEPA)相关的一组开发专业人员之间进行对话的结果,这些问题涉及我们开展工作的价值观念以及这对我们的实践意味着什么。在“重塑发展”倡议提供的机会的提示下,以及​​在2008年全球金融危机之后,我们特别问:在驱动我们的生活的价值观与驱动我们推动的“发展”的价值观之间是否存在张力?我们的个人理想与我们为“贫困”所推动的发展类型之间是否存在张力? UJhat对我们个人和专业人士有何影响? UUhat对我们推动的开发“目标”有何影响?接下来的讨论是基于有选择地选择的专业人员小组中所有与CEPA机构相关的思考和讨论的结构化过程。对这些价值如何协调的分析提供了有益的基础,可以推动对价值驱动的替代发展范例的讨论。



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