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Impact of the cation field strength on physical properties and structures of alkali and alkaline-earth borosilicate glasses


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? 2022 The AuthorsThe impact of the cation field strength (CFS) of the glass network-modifier cations on the structure and properties of borosilicate glasses (BS) were examined for a large ensemble of mixed-cation (R/2)M(2)O–(R/2)Na2O–B2O3–KSiO2 glasses with M+ ={Li+, Na+, K+, Rb+} and M2+ ={Mg2+, Ca2+, Sr2+, Ba2+} from four series of {K, R} combinations of K = n(SiO2)/n(B2O3) = {2.0, 4.0} and R =n(M(2)O) ?+ ?n(Na2O)/n(B2O3) = {0.75, 2.1}. Combined with results from La3+ bearing glasses enabled the probing of physical-property variations across a wide CFS range, encompassing the glass transition temperature (Tg), density, molar volume and compactness, as well as the hardness (H) and Young's modulus (E). We discuss the inferred composition–structure/CFS–property relationships. Each of Tg, H, and E revealed a non-linear dependence against the CFS and a strong Tg/H correlation, where each property is maximized for the largest alkaline-earth metal cations, i.e., Sr2+ and Ba2+, along with the high-CFS La3+ species. The 11B MAS NMR-derived fractional BO4 populations decreased linearly with the average Mz+/Na+ CFS within both K–0.75 glass branches, whereas the NBO-rich K–2.1 glasses manifested more complex trends. Comparisons with results from RM2O–B2O3–KSiO2 glasses suggested no significant “mixed alkali effect”.
机译:?2022 作者研究了玻璃网络改性剂阳离子的阳离子场强(CFS)对硼硅酸盐玻璃(BS)结构和性能的影响,以M+ ={Li+, Na+, K+, Rb+} 和 M2+ ={Mg2+, Ca2+, Sr2+, Ba2+} 的 4 个系列混合阳离子 (R/2)M(2)O–(R/2)Na2O–B2O3–KSiO2 玻璃为研究对象 K = n(SiO2)/n(B2O3) = {2.0, 4.0} 和 R =[n(M(2)O) ?+ ?n(Na2O)]/n(B2O3) = {0.75, 2.1} 的 R} 组合。结合 La3+ 轴承玻璃的结果,可以探测 CFS 范围内的物理性能变化,包括玻璃化转变温度 (Tg)、密度、摩尔体积和致密度,以及硬度 (H) 和杨氏模量 (E)。我们讨论了推断的成分-结构/CFS-性质关系。Tg、H 和 E 中的每一个都显示出与 CFS 的非线性依赖性和很强的 Tg/H 相关性,其中每个性质对于最大的碱土金属阳离子(即 Sr2+ 和 Ba2+)以及高 CFS La3+ 物种都最大化。11B MAS NMR衍生的BO4分数群体在K-0.75玻璃分支内与平均Mz+/Na+ CFS呈线性下降,而富含NBO的K-2.1玻璃表现出更复杂的趋势。与RM2O-B2O3-KSiO2玻璃的结果进行比较,表明没有明显的“混合碱效应”。




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