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Characterization of mussel (Perna canaliculus) haemocytes and their phagocytic activity across seasons

机译:贻贝(Perna canaliculus)血细胞的表征及其跨季节的吞噬活性

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Abstract Perna canaliculus is endemic to New Zealand and is the top shellfish export product. However, the growth of this industry is being adversely affected by summer mortality events. To assess these health threats, differential haemocyte counts (DHC) were performed on haemolymph smears stained with Giemsa, and in vitro phagocytosis activity assays were applied in P. canaliculus for several months covering three seasons (winter, spring and summer). A new optimized classification scheme was developed for P. canaliculus haemocytes where 55 eosinophilic and 27.2 basophilic granulocytes were identified. Eosinophilic granulocytes were classified as dense, semi and small semi, and these new categories were reported herein for the first time in this species. A new haemocyte type (mixed granulocytes), which contains both acidophilic and basophilic granules, is proposed for P. canaliculus. The phagocytosis percentages were significantly affected by incubation time, indicating an increase in zymosan particle uptake from 18.42 ± 1.7 after 30 min, 32.08 ± 3.1 after 60 min and 44.74 ± 3.5 (maximum) after 120 min of incubation. The lowest phagocytosis was observed in the winter season and the highest phagocytosis in summer. This study findings provide a better understanding of the immune function of P. canaliculus haemocytes and serve as a reference for further investigations on the impacts of seasonal variations on haemocyte activity and phagocytosis.
机译:摘要 小管鲷是新西兰特有种,是贝类出口产品。然而,该行业的增长正受到夏季死亡事件的不利影响。为了评估这些健康威胁,对用 Giemsa 染色的血淋巴涂片进行差异血细胞计数 (DHC),并在 P. canaliculus 中应用体外吞噬活性测定,为期数月,涵盖三个季节(冬季、春季和夏季)。针对小管疟原虫血细胞建立了一种新的优化分类方案,其中鉴定出55%的嗜酸性粒细胞和27.2%的嗜碱性粒细胞。嗜酸性粒细胞被分为致密粒细胞、半粒细胞和小粒细胞,这些新类别在该物种中首次报道。针对小管疟原虫,提出了一种新的血细胞类型(混合粒细胞),它同时含有嗜酸性和嗜碱性颗粒。吞噬作用百分比受孵育时间的显着影响,表明酶聚糖颗粒摄取量从30 min后的18.42 ± 1.7%、60 min后的32.08 ± 3.1%和44.74 ± 3.5%(最大)增加120 min后。冬季吞噬作用最低,夏季吞噬作用最高。本研究结果有助于更好地了解小管疟原虫血细胞的免疫功能,并为进一步研究季节变化对血细胞活性和吞噬作用的影响提供参考。




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