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Some dos and don'ts for posters and presentations


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If you have your eye on the prizes to be won for posters and talks at the Challenger Society Anniversary Conference, here are some tips. The poster prize honours Cath Allen, a researcher in fluid dynamics at the University of Lancaster, who died in 1991. The Challenger Society introduced the prize to combat the idea that contributing to a conference poster session is a second best alternative to delivering a paper, even though a poster needs to be at least as well thought-out as a talk. The prize for the best talk honours Norman Heaps, a shelf-sea modeller who died in 1986. He was a particularly clear speaker, with an enthusiastic, lively and entertaining way of delivering a talk.
机译:如果您关注挑战者协会周年纪念大会上的海报和演讲所赢得的奖品,这里有一些提示。海报奖是为了纪念兰开斯特大学流体动力学研究员凯斯·艾伦(Cath Allen),他于1991年去世。挑战者协会(Challenger Society)设立该奖项是为了反对这样一种观点,即为会议海报会议做出贡献是发表论文的第二好选择,尽管海报至少需要像演讲一样经过深思熟虑。最佳演讲奖授予诺曼·希普斯(Norman Heaps),他是一位于1986年去世的大陆架海建模师。他是一个特别清晰的演讲者,以一种热情、活泼和有趣的演讲方式发表演讲。




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