首页> 外文期刊>Australian and New Zealand journal of public health. >Regional variations in pedal cyclist injuries in New Zealand: safety in numbers or risk in scarcity?

Regional variations in pedal cyclist injuries in New Zealand: safety in numbers or risk in scarcity?


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Objective: To assess regional variations in rates of traffic injuries to pedal cyclists resulting in death or hospital inpatient treatment, in relation to time spent cycling and time spent travelling in a car. Methods: Cycling injuries were identified from the Mortality Collection and the National Minimum Dataset. Time spent cycling and time spent travelling as a driver or passenger in a car/van/ute/SUV were computed from National Household Travel Surveys. There are 16 census regions in New Zealand, some of which were combined for this analysis to ensure an adequate sample size, resulting in eight regional groups. Analyses were undertaken for 1996-99 and 2003-07. Results: Injury rates, per million hours spent cycling, varied widely across regions (11 to 33 injuries during 1996-99 and 12 to 78 injuries during 2003-07). The injury rate increased with decreasing per capita time spent cycling. The rate also increased with increasing per capita time spent travelling in a car. There was an inverse association between the injury rate and the ratio of time spent cycling to time spent travelling in a car. The expected number of cycling injuries increased with increasing total time spent cycling but at a decreasing rate particularly after adjusting for total time spent travelling in a car. Conclusions: The findings indicate a 'risk in scarcity' effect for New Zealand cyclists such that risk profiles of cyclists are likely to deteriorate if fewer people use a bicycle and more use a car. Implications: Cooperative efforts to promote cycling and its safety and to restrict car use may reverse the risk in scarcity effect.
机译:目的:评估自行车骑行者导致死亡或住院治疗的交通伤害率的区域差异,这些变化与骑车时间和乘车时间有关。方法:从“死亡率收集”和“国家最低数据集”中识别出自行车伤害。根据国家家庭出行调查,计算出骑车时间和在汽车/货车/轻型货车/ SUV中作为驾驶员或乘客出行的时间。新西兰有16个人口普查区域,其中一些区域进行了合并分析,以确保足够的样本量,因此形成了8个区域组。对1996-99年和2003-07年进行了分析。结果:每百万小时骑自行车的伤害率在各个地区之间差异很大(1996-99年期间为11至33人受伤,2003-07年期间为12至78人受伤)。伤害率随着人均骑自行车时间的减少而增加。随着人均乘车时间的增加,这一比率也增加了。伤害率与骑车时间与乘车时间的比率成反比。骑自行车的预期伤害次数随着骑自行车总时间的增加而增加,但下降的速度尤其是在调整了汽车总旅行时间之后。结论:研究结果表明,新西兰自行车手有“稀缺风险”效应,因此,如果骑自行车的人减少而骑车的人增多,骑自行车者的风险状况可能会恶化。启示:促进自行车运动及其安全性以及限制汽车使用的合作努力可能逆转稀缺效应的风险。



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