
Interview with Paddy Bakker

机译:Paddy Bakker访谈

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Whilst many people know Paddy as a weaver and Life President of the Association, she is an equally skilled potter. She is also an accomplished silversmith, all of which led to her acceptance as a member of the Somerset Guild of Craftsmen in 1994. Janet Maher (JM): Can you tell us a bit about your long involvement with the Association and your background in the crafts? Paddy Bakker (PB): My first love was pottery, which I spent a lot of time doing at school. When I went to college, I wanted to continue and, although they had the equipment, they had no tutor, so I joined the weaving class. I had woven a cushion cover at school. I got married after college and spent time in Kenya where my husband was a doctor. We finally settled in Taunton in the late 1960s, and I took up pottery again. I potted for quite a few years selling at fairs and did some commissions. My pottery studio was in a room at the back of the garage and was very cold in winter. There were also several wet summers and I had nowhere for my clay to dry before firing, so I decided to return to weaving and joined a weaving class at the local technical college, buying a 4-shaft loom for home. The class tutor was a Somerset Guild member and encouraged me to join. I bought a large 54-inch loom which I ultimately sold to the Frome weaving workshop and bought my 24-shaft dobby. I completed the Certificate of Achievement in weaving around this time.
机译:虽然许多人都知道帕迪是一名织布工和协会的终身主席,但她也是一位同样熟练的陶艺家。她也是一位多才多艺的银匠,所有这些都使她于 1994 年被接纳为萨默塞特工匠协会的成员。珍妮特·马赫(JM):您能告诉我们一些关于您长期参与协会以及您在手工艺方面的背景吗?Paddy Bakker (PB):我的初恋是陶艺,我在学校花了很多时间做陶艺。当我上大学时,我想继续学习,虽然他们有设备,但他们没有导师,所以我加入了编织班。我在学校织了一个靠垫套。大学毕业后,我结婚了,在肯尼亚度过了一段时间,我的丈夫是一名医生。1960 年代后期,我们终于在汤顿定居,我又开始从事陶艺工作。我在展会上卖了好几年,并做了一些佣金。我的陶艺工作室在车库后面的一个房间里,冬天很冷。还有几个潮湿的夏天,我的粘土在烧制前没有地方晾干,所以我决定回到编织行业,并参加了当地技术学院的编织班,买了一台四轴织机回家。班主任是萨默塞特公会的成员,他鼓励我加入。我买了一台 54 英寸的大织机,最终卖给了弗罗姆织造车间,并买了我的 24 轴多臂。大约在这个时候,我完成了编织成就证书。




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