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Expanding Beyond Legacy Tapping Products


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NOW ON ITS THIRD GENERATION of family ownership, Tapmatic Corp. of Post Falls, Idaho, continues to thrive, and surprise. Since 1952, the company has been known for its line of tapping attachments and tap holders, notably the self-reversing tapping heads found on machining centers and drill presses. That line has grown larger of late as the ISO 9001:2015 company improves existing products and introduces new ones, some well beyond the tapping arena. The most recent of these is the DeBurr-Z, a deburring toolholder for use in CNC machining centers. Tapmatic President Mark Johnson explained that the DeBurr-Z floats in the Z-axis, working in compression when deburring the top edges of a workpiece and in extension for deburring the underside. There's also an adjustable force setting, allowing operators to compensate for different materials and cut depths, and the DeBurr-Z accepts various burrs and chamfer tools.
机译:现在,爱达荷州波斯特福尔斯的 Tapmatic Corp. 是第三代家族企业,继续蓬勃发展,令人惊讶。自 1952 年以来,该公司一直以其攻丝附件和丝锥夹具系列而闻名,尤其是加工中心和钻床上的自逆攻丝头。随着 ISO 9001:2015 公司改进现有产品并推出新产品,其中一些产品远远超出了攻丝领域,这条生产线最近变得更大。其中最新的是 DeBurr-Z,一种用于 CNC 加工中心的去毛刺刀柄。Tapmatic 总裁 Mark Johnson 解释说,DeBurr-Z 漂浮在 Z 轴上,在对工件的顶部边缘进行去毛刺时进行压缩工作,并在对底部进行去毛刺时进行延伸。还有一个可调节的力设置,允许操作员补偿不同的材料和切割深度,DeBurr-Z 接受各种毛刺和倒角工具。



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