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Remote virtual whiteboard assistance for improving task performance during lunar surface operations


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During extravehicular activities (EVAs), astronauts are heavily dependent on the Mission Center (MCC) and their Intra-Vehicular Astronaut (IVA) counterparts. Each procedure step in a mission is relayed to the astronaut through a real-time voice loop, and emergency procedures are written on cuff checklists that astronauts must read from their spherically shaped helmet. In all situations, crew members heavily rely on IVA or MCC support, especially when they do not understand a procedure or need help with a specific problem. However, it can be hard to communicate procedures effectively due to a lack of visual diagrams and situational awareness between the two parties. To improve EVA efficiency, we investigated the use of a virtual whiteboard on a heads-up display during a lunar surface EVA task with virtual reality (VR). The virtual whiteboard allows MCC to send additional visual guidance (e.g., drawings and annotations) overlayed on the astronaut's visual field of view to better assist with mission tasks. We conducted a between-subjects experiment where 21 participants were asked to accomplish a rover repair procedure, with (n = 11) and without (n = 10) the virtual whiteboard, using a VR lunar environment with support of a research proctor acting as MCC. The whiteboard group completed the rover procedure 39.1 faster than the non-whiteboard group, and this difference was statistically significant (p = 0.017). The total number of words exchanged during the experimental sessions was not statistically different between groups (p = 0.99). However, participants in the whiteboard group showed a tendency to talk less than their counterparts, while the research proctor in the whiteboard group showed a tendency to speak more. Finally, analysis of the spatial locations during the experiment indicated that whiteboard participants stayed closer to the rover, showing a better focus on the task at hand and therefore short completion times. The results of this experiment inform future development of AR spacesuit technologies for future planetary exploration EVA operations.
机译:在舱外活动 (EVA) 期间,宇航员严重依赖任务中心 (MCC) 及其舱内宇航员 (IVA) 同行。任务中的每个程序步骤都通过实时语音循环转发给宇航员,紧急程序写在袖口清单上,宇航员必须从他们的球形头盔上读取这些清单。在所有情况下,机组人员都严重依赖 IVA 或 MCC 支持,尤其是当他们不了解程序或需要帮助解决特定问题时。然而,由于双方之间缺乏可视化图表和态势感知,可能很难有效地沟通程序。为了提高EVA效率,我们研究了在虚拟现实(VR)的月球表面EVA任务中在平视显示器上使用虚拟白板的情况。虚拟白板允许MCC发送额外的视觉指导(例如,图纸和注释),覆盖在宇航员的视野上,以更好地协助任务任务。我们进行了一项受试者间实验,其中 21 名参与者被要求完成漫游车维修程序,使用 (n = 11) 和不使用 (n = 10) 虚拟白板,使用 VR 月球环境,并得到作为 MCC 的研究监考员的支持。白板组比非白板组快 39.1% 完成流动站程序,这种差异具有统计学意义 (p = 0.017)。实验期间交换的单词总数在两组之间没有统计学差异(p = 0.99)。然而,白板组的参与者表现出比同行少说话的倾向,而白板组的研究监考员则表现出说话更多的倾向。最后,对实验期间空间位置的分析表明,白板参与者离漫游车更近,显示出更好地专注于手头的任务,因此完成时间较短。该实验结果为未来行星探测EVA作业的AR宇航服技术的发展提供了参考。




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