首页> 外文期刊>Assistive technology: the official journal of RESNA >Factors Associated With the Use of Standardized Power Mobility Skills Assessments Among Assistive Technology Practitioners

Factors Associated With the Use of Standardized Power Mobility Skills Assessments Among Assistive Technology Practitioners


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This study investigated self-reported prevalence of and factors affecting clinicians' use of standardized assessments when evaluating clients for power mobility devices (PMDs), and explored assessments clinicians typically use when carrying out PMD evaluation. An e-mail survey was sent to assistive technology professionals listed in the Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America directory. Three hundred fifty-four respondents, qualified to conduct formal power mobility skills assessments, completed the online survey. Of those, 122 (34.5%) respondents reported that they were aware of the presence of standardized performance-based power mobility skills assessments, but only 28 (7.9%) used these assessments in their practice. Multivariate analysis revealed that the odds of the respondents who use the standardized assessments were 18 times higher for those who were aware of the presence of these assessments than those who were not (adjusted odds ratio [OR] OR=17.85, P<0.0001). The odds of using the standardized assessment for respondents who did not identify themselves as occupational or physical therapists were five times higher than those who were therapists (adjusted OR=0.20, P<0.0001). This survey revealed that the assistive technology practitioners who recommend PMDs mainly use non-standardized mobility skills assessments.
机译:这项研究调查了自我报告的电动工具的流行程度以及影响临床医生在评估电动移动设备(PMD)客户时使用标准化评估的因素,并探讨了临床医生通常在进行PMD评估时使用的评估。已向北美康复工程和辅助技术协会目录中列出的辅助技术专业人员发送了电子邮件调查。符合进行正​​式动力出行技能评估的354位受访者完成了在线调查。其中,有122位(34.5%)的受访者表示,他们知道存在标准化的基于绩效的动力出行技能评估,但只有28位(7.9%)的受访者在实践中使用了这些评估。多元分析显示,使用标准评估的被访者的机率比那些没有评估的人高18倍(调整后的优势比[OR] OR = 17.85,P <0.0001)。未将自己确定为职业治疗师或物理治疗师的受访者使用标准化评估的几率是治疗师的五倍(调整后的OR = 0.20,P <0.0001)。这项调查显示,推荐PMD的辅助技术从业人员主要使用非标准化的移动技能评估。



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