
Kleurstof: To Dye For


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By the time you've wandered through the yard of Textiel Museum in the architecturally fascinating Dutch city of Tilburg, you've already been given a preview of the dye-plants that form some of the exhibition within. Artist Nan Groot Antink was inspired by her grandmother's stories of Tilburg's textile factory workers, who carried their urine to work to facilitate the binding of dye to cloth. Along with garden designer Maaike Bertens, she collaborated with local residents to create this welcoming dye garden as a starting point for the interesting, participatory projects that later developed. The exhibition itself spanned several well-curated rooms, each devoted to the exploration of a colour, its botanic dyestuffs and the artists and craftspeople who explore the hue. The first exhibit is inevitably engaging to all; a pair of jeans. This iconic garment is something that connects almost everyone to textiles, regardless of age, gender or location - jeans are worn across the world. It detailed the harmful processes that are routinely used to make a pair of jeans and showed garment workers in Bangladesh working with toxic dyes, along with a river that's been heavily poisoned by the textile industry. This starting point should engage all visitors on the fundamentally important topic of textile sustainability. The first space celebrated beautiful blue alternatives; indigo, woad and bluewood, and illuminated their complex histories. It also showcased recent innovations in bacterial dye, which can elicit clean lilacs and purples and is currently being used by popular sportswear brands. The yellow room was fresh and depicted craftspeople working with turmeric, seaweed, chestnut and weeds. The combination of images, textiles, installation and video was particularly engaging.
机译:当您漫步在建筑迷人的荷兰城市蒂尔堡的Textiel博物馆的院子里时,您已经预览了构成展览中的一些染料工厂。艺术家南·格鲁特·安丁克(Nan Groot Antink)的灵感来自她祖母关于蒂尔堡纺织厂工人的故事,他们带着尿液上班,以促进染料与布料的结合。她与园林设计师Maaike Bertens一起,与当地居民合作,创建了这个温馨的染料花园,作为后来发展起来的有趣、参与式项目的起点。展览本身跨越了几个精心策划的房间,每个房间都致力于探索一种颜色、植物染料以及探索这种色调的艺术家和工匠。第一个展览不可避免地吸引了所有人;一条牛仔裤。这件标志性的服装几乎将每个人与纺织品联系在一起,无论年龄、性别或地点如何——牛仔裤在世界各地都穿着。它详细介绍了通常用于制造牛仔裤的有害过程,并展示了孟加拉国的服装工人使用有毒染料,以及一条被纺织业严重毒害的河流。这个出发点应该让所有参观者都参与到纺织品可持续性这一至关重要的话题中。第一个空间庆祝美丽的蓝色替代品;Indigo、Woad 和 Bluewood,并照亮了他们复杂的历史。它还展示了细菌染料的最新创新,这种染料可以产生干净的淡紫色和紫色,目前正被流行的运动服装品牌使用。黄色的房间很清新,描绘了工匠们用姜黄、海藻、栗子和杂草工作。图像、纺织品、装置和视频的结合特别引人入胜。




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