首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Hydrology >Isotopic equilibrium between raindrops and water vapor during the onset and the termination of the 2005-2006 wet season in the Bolivian Andes

Isotopic equilibrium between raindrops and water vapor during the onset and the termination of the 2005-2006 wet season in the Bolivian Andes


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The isotopic equilibrium state between precipitation and low-level water vapor is a common assumption in numerous paleoclimate and atmospheric studies based on water stable isotopes. However, the paucity of field observations limits the validation of this assumption. This study examines the isotopic equilibrium state from event-based precipitation and daily near-surface water vapor samples collected during the onset and the termination of the 2005-2006 wet season in the Bolivian Andes (Zongo valley, 16°09' S, 68°07' W). Our observations show that the observed isotopic composition of precipitation (δD_p) deviates from the theoretical isotopic composition of precipitation at equilibrium with water vapor (δD_p_eq). Disequilibriums (ΔD_(p_eq) = δD_p -δD_p_eq) are mostly negative (73), indicating that precipitation is more depleted than a condensate that would have been formed from surface water vapor, and half of them are between -10 and + 10‰. They are significantly correlated to δD_p (r~2 = 0.30, n = 70, p < 0.001) suggesting that controls on δD_p also impact ΔD_(p_eq). Although equilibrium state does not prevail at the individual rain event scale, a strong relationship is observed between δD_p and δD_p_eq over the whole period of field samplings (r~2 = 0.86, n = 70, p < 0.001). The review of possible causes to explain the disequilibriums shows that below-cloud rain evaporation and diffusive exchanges are little involved. Other local processes such as rain type, condensation conditions and surface water recycling appear as better candidates to explain ΔD_(p_eq). Lastly, we explore how local processes affect δD_p. We show that large-scale dynamic along air masses history is dominant (nearly 80) to explain δD_p whereas local effects are dominant to explain deuterium excess in precipitation. In consequence, we conclude that δD_p is a correct candidate to examine and to reconstruct large-scale atmospheric processes from past to present time scales.
机译:降水和低水平水汽之间的同位素平衡状态是许多基于水稳定同位素的古气候和大气研究中的常见假设。然而,实地观测的缺乏限制了这一假设的验证。本研究考察了玻利维亚安第斯山脉(宗戈河谷,南纬16°09',西经68°07')2005-2006年雨季开始和结束期间收集的基于事件的降水和每日近地表水汽样品的同位素平衡状态。我们的观测结果表明,观测到的降水同位素组成(δ D_p)偏离了降水与水汽平衡时的理论同位素组成(δ D_p_eq)。不平衡(Δ D_(p_eq) = δ D_p -δ D_p_eq)大多为负值(73%),表明降水比地表水蒸气形成的冷凝水更贫乏,其中一半在-10到+ 10‰之间。它们与 δ D_p 显著相关 (r~2 = 0.30, n = 70, p < 0.001),表明对 δ D_p 的控制也会影响 Δ D_(p_eq)。尽管在单个降雨事件尺度上不占平衡状态,但在整个野外采样期间,δ D_p和δ D_p_eq之间存在很强的关系(r~2 = 0.86,n = 70,p < 0.001)。对解释不平衡的可能原因的回顾表明,云下雨水蒸发和扩散交换很少涉及。其他局部过程,如降雨类型、冷凝条件和地表水循环,似乎是解释Δ D_(p_eq)的更好候选者。最后,我们探讨了局部过程如何影响δ D_p。我们发现,沿气团历史的大尺度动力学是解释δ的主要因素(近80%)D_p而局部效应则主要解释降水中的氘过量。因此,我们得出结论,δ D_p是检查和重建从过去到现在的时间尺度的大规模大气过程的正确候选者。




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